Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Rubber Balls and Getting Hit

Good morning everyone.
I'm so sorry for my lack of posts. I've had a crazy week.

So last night was dodgeball. I need to vent/talk about this for a little bit ok?
I generally like competitive sports and playing hard and winning. I also like sports with balls---no really---playing balls, not the other kind. I was really in a bad mood when I left dodgeball though b/c I got hurt. It seems like I get hurt all the time in the game and getting hit with those stiff ass rubber balls in the face is not exactly my idea of a fun recreational activity. Our team name is "Balls out For Shizzle". FYI....

My Team:
Jackie: I love this girl. She's the captain and she's so cute and fun. She's the one that got me into this. She works on the Rachel Ray show and knows like everyone else in the league for some reason. The team she used to play on is really really good. They crushed us yesterday and it was a disaster. Anyway---she is fun. She can catch and is a good player. We bonded last night on how we both can't really throw that well.

Lindsay: Obviously you all know her from being one of my best friends here in the city. She is scared of the ball like myself but can totally hold her own. She's a good dodger. It's hard to throw well at the boys that like always catch the balls and then chuck them so hard right back at you. I love that she's on the team. She wore really cute spandex pants yesterday to the game and little cute braids. Hi LINDZ!!!

Darren: He is the powerhouse of the team. He's Australian and he gets to fired up when we play badly (read: all the time). He has a cute accent and is REALLY good at the game. He can throw hard, dodge well and catch really well. Basically he's one of the best players EVER. I love him and he always has good strategy.

Bill: Also really good. Likes to play like a team, almost as good as Darren. Really nice, I like him a lot. I basically have no issues with him whatsoever.

Brandon: He's also australian, but he's not nearly as good as Darren. Cute and nice though and tries hard.

Fernando: OK---here's where my real venting starts---He is huge. You would think that would be really great and intimidating in dodgeball, but the problem is that he sucks. He throws the balls as hard as he can like at people's heads. WTF?! Also---then he has the nerve to give me advice on my throwing, which I already know is inferior. Um---also, he's always gross and sweaty. But the main reason I get annoyed is b/c Darren always tries to get us to play as a team instead of the one-off crap that gets us all out. But as soon as he is in the game, stupid Fernando like forgets and just keeps throwing balls at people's heads. What is up with that?!

That's really all the people I wanted to talk about in this entry. I hope we win next week.



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