Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Jake Weekend and Oscars

Happy Birthday Charlie!
I hope you have a great day and that all your wishes come true.

This weekend Jake was in town---we had a blast. It was the first time he'd been up to NYC to see me so it was cool to show him around and everything. We managed to fit a lot in considering it wasn't that long. Weekends are never long enough. Highlights:

  • Dinner at Piccolo Angolo
  • Waking up lazy----going to breakfast at the diner, yum.
  • going to the Met---teaching Jake about art a little bit
  • drinks/snack at Mustangs for a few hours, playing song game
  • Dinner at Rare with Becca, Jess, Eddie and Beth
  • Out at Joshua Tree with Becca and Jess---lots of drinking
  • waking up hungover on Sunday
  • eating bagel sandwiches at H&H, starving
  • walked to the planetarium---watched space show and Mars Rover IMAX---loved it
  • walked back through Central park
  • we were both really tired, relaxed until he left.

I took a KILLER nap after I dropped him off at the train station and before I headed over to Tessa's for Oscar night. It was good times. We finally got a chance to catch up and chat/hang. QT with my girl. Oscars were great. I was boosted about Martin Scorscese b/c he's so cute and short. I didn't see the Departed though---T will have to rent it stat.

The only downside was that I had to wait for a cab for like 30 minutes b/c it was icing and also freezing. Ah well----I eventually got home.




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