Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Rested and Money

Last night I seriously went to be at like 10pm. I was so tired. I haven't been home relaxing after work in like longer than I can remember. I just needed to get some sleep instead of like pushing through each day like half asleep with my eyes burning and stuff. I felt great this morning when Jake called me to wake me up. It was such a change.

Jess came over after work---a much needed break from my crazy day. We made rice and beans and chowed DOWN! It was delicious as usual. I love making dinner with her. It's so easy and we are both so low maintenance. It was glorious. We shot the shit for a while in my apartment.

Speaking of my apartment, it's so messy right now. I think practically all my clothes are piled onto my couch at the moment. It's almost a disaster. The only part of my apt. that is "clean" are the dishes, which is a miracle in and of itself, but really it's b/c Jess did them after dinner. She's such a good friend.

There is a girl in my office, named Lauren, and she works on like Matt and Adam's team, so obviously I'm a little bit jealous of her because of that but really she's kind of immature. I like her I guess. I don't really know her b/c she doesn't talk to me. I think she's sort of intimidated by me or something but anyway she takes a cab to work every day. I heard her once talking about her boarding school. I mean the pieces are starting to come together about where she comes from (read: money). She lives 15 blocks away. I can't imagine taking a cab 15 blocks, even if I had the money, it's like a waste in every possible way.

I think that a lot of people in this business come from money. I also think that's fine. I mean, literally the great people I work with still to this day don't understand how I got a degree in something like "art history and political science". Degrees to them are like tangible skills that the learned for a job like the one they have now. I just find the differences between people fascinating.

This entry is sort of boring and I realize that. Maybe one day my entries will start being more interesting.

Amos: You are a great cousin and I'm really boosed to see you and Liz next weekend. Holla!!!
Leah: B/c it seems like she needs a shout out right about now.
Jake: Obv. b/c you rule and are the best boyfriend ever.
Matt: Happy Birthday Yesterday!
Adam: This morning you have bed head and I made fun of you and then your come back was "hey Lauren, it's not valentines day yet (because i was wearing a pink sweater). Good one. (not)
Jess: for dinner and good conversation last night!

I love you all.



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