Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

IRA and Schedule

I think that my fish are going to die soon. Of course, now that I was so happy that they were swimming along just fine, but then last night they started acting strange. Like the way that CT and Dog were acting before THEY died. I can't deal with any more deaths in my apartment. The PetCo guy told me not to get too attached. I just need to get a heater and get some "heartier" fish, as Mike likes to say. I just want to come home to cool swimming cute fish, instead of in the corner, not swimming, dead fish. Ugh.

One thing I'm really annoyed about right now is that at work I'm dealing with this crap right now. I apparently "messed" up something for a client but really the fact is that I didn't. This client wanted to invest in this new offering, but it wasn't like an IPO through my company or anything---it was like a private placement or something. He sent in the paperwork on Tuesday. Mike told me that I had to interoffice this paperwork to get the stock into his IRA---so I sent it to the IRA department b/c IRAs are special, you have to be careful about money in and out b/c it's not taxed and not like a regular brokerage account. Anyway---I got a call from the IRA lady today and she didn't understand the document. Basically, the client lost his 100K investment b/c of MY fault. Actually---it wasn't my fault at all. It's so annoying. Mike BLEW up at me and like totally blamed me for it. He later apologized for getting mad b/c it wasn't really all my fault, but like---still. WTF?! I'm the one that comes in at 7 and leaves at 6 to get everything done and finished----what's UP with the blame! No one else around here does anything, it makes it that much harder to deal with things when you know you are the one working hard and busting your butt all the time. Ok---I'm almost over it.

Last night I saw the Departed. I liked it a lot but it was def not good enough to be the best picture. I thought that Blood Diamond was WAY better. Leo was good in both, but whatever. It also was really long. Jake was right, Goodfellas was better than the Departed. Maybe it's like when Gladiator won best picture that one year.

Tonight is Beth's opening and I'm REALLY excited about it. I am changing into my little black dress and hurrying uptown to go sip on coctails and look at Beth's awesome exhibit. :) It's about fascism and the Spanish Civil War and how it's related to NY. It looks REALLy cool. Tonight is also dodgeball, which is going to be fun. We are playing the top two teams and we are most certainly going to lose. I kind of can't wait until the season is over. :)

OK, I promise I'm going to get better about blogging. My life is just so chaotic right now. lol. That reminds me---I have to email Jackie right now.

Ta Ta.



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