Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Soreness and Fishies

So I went to gymnastics yesterday and I didn't really experience soreness yesterday, well definitely a little bit but nothing that impared my motion. This morning though, is another story. In the middle of the night I woke up and tried to roll over and absolutly could not. I had no muscles to move whatsoever. They were all in pain and screaming at me to stay in the same place and not roll over. It was a big disaster. When my alarm went off in the morning I didn't get up b/c I couldn't physically not because I was tired.

When I walked outside to grab the bus to work I noticed that it was SNOWING. Yes, snowing. I was very unprepared for this and sort of annoyed. After you graduate high school and snow has no positive effects on your life like it once did, it becomes a burden. In New York, snow is the worst thing ever. Is sticks everywhere and then there is traffic and then the snow plows push the snow onto the sidewalk just to make my life miserable by forcing me to walk in dirty black snow with pee and dirt all mushed into it bearing the souls of the boots of thousands of New Yorkers.

Work today has been alright, with the exception of the few sneezes that I've had that have sent me into unbearable abdominal pain. I also have a hard time laughing or moving any body part.
I have neglected to eat dinner for the past two nights and it is putting my stomach in a weird mood. No lectures about unhealthiness people. I can deal just fine.

Tonight after work my sister is coming up to visit! I'm super excited. Some fun things on our agenda are:
  • going out to a great italian dinner tonight, drinking wine
  • going downtown to shop and walk around the village/soho
  • seeing "The 25th Annual Putman County Spelling Bee" on Broadway
  • going to SNL, where Jeremy Piven is the host
  • and going to the plantarium, my favorite museum in all of NYC

So---I'm sorta kinda dating Jake. For those blog readers that know him but didn't know that-- I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. I just didn't want to make it some huge thing. It's very exciting. Things are going really well and I like him a lot. For the 008 girls that don't know about this development---I'm sorry you had to hear this way. I just didn't want to write an email about it. I'd rather tell you in person. But I thought that this bit of information was important to include in my blog since it's a part of my everyday life and that's what this blog is all about. I'll explain everything at our get together (which I'm really excited about by the way). I want to reassure you that he is great, amazing, and we have much different relationship than we had before---in every possible better way. Again, more details to come but you all should be happy for me b/c I'm happy. :) And for those of you that don't know him. You'll meet him one day and you'll like him. :)

The mice have resurfaced in my apartment. I put out traps with peanut butter but the little guys are somehow managing to eat the PB without getting snapped. The traps aren't even going off. I have trued a new tactic, that will hopefully work. We'll see tonight. :) Stephanie is going to be so boosted to come home to a dead mouse in a trap.

Other Items for Attention: I FINALLY purchased fish for my awesome tank. I went and got them this weekend and they are so incredibly cute. I got two goldfish types. Let me tell you a little bit about them.

CT (her name is short for Carrot Top): she is white with an orange afro and kind of fat and short. She's totally cute and I love her.

Dog: Dog is black and white spotted like a Dalmation, which is why his name is Dog. He also has some orange. He's longer and skinnier.

Dog likes to swim next to CT and sniff her butt a lot. I'm not really sure how much she actually likes it, but she is good at tolerating it b/c he is constantly doing it. CT swims really cute like moving her whole body. I love them and I hope they never die.

Ok, I took some advil and hopefully it will kick-in in a bit so I can sneeze without wanting to die.

Back to work!





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