Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Compliance and Softball Party

My crush on Justin at work has not yet subsided. In fact, it grows stronger everytime I hang out with him. He is so adorable and nice and cute and really---great in every way. He works really hard and he's really smart and he's traveled all over the world cause he's an army brat or something. His dad was the pilot for President Reagan, or something. Anyway---I like him and I have a HUGE crush on him but----he's a player. It's cool. I think we'd be better as just friends anyway.

I've decided that this lady I work with is a complete Freak. I mean, I always knew that she was a total loon, but like just the more and more I learn about her the more it makes me realize that face in its entireity.

Last night was the Annual Compliance Meeting. We had to trek all the way over to the other building for it. It was actually not that bad. As a "new twist" by having this interview section at the end. Basically they interviewed this guy that has been with the firm for 40 years. He is also hilarious. It was a great and I think it was the best meeting I'd ever been to at work.

Afterwards the championship softball team headed downtown to SouthWestNY for this like banquet and trophy presentation. The New Jersey championship team ws also there. It was nice. Free booze and free food for a few hours. Good times. Timmy, Tessa, Berny, and Justin and I were mostly hanging out. I was tired around 9:30 honestly and shared a cab home with Motto. I think I went to bed shortly thereafter.

This post sucks. Sorry.



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