Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Beckham and Craziness

I couldn't really think of a good title for today's entry. It's going to be a crazy one. I must say. I also have to finish the entry that I started on Friday. It will contain lots of other fun things that happened to me on Thursday night. Ok, back to this weekend.

Friday night was the Halloween/Bday for Jackie Party at 238. I'd been looking forward to it all week but like I was really tired on Friday at work and all I could really think about was going home to take a nap before hand. I was also really semi-freaking out about not having a costume. I had been emailing back and forth all day with my friends about what the hell I could be. I finally settled on being a cop because Karen had some cop gear. So I threw it on and like---wore a button down shirt, blud jeans, and some Tims. It was perfect. I also had this kick ass "Special Forces" hat. Anyway---it was a great (free) costume. I am glad that I didn't end up being something lame or cliche, and that I was actually something legit. There were a ton of people at the party. So anyway, there was this really cute/hot guy there---dressed as Beckham (hence the title). His real name isn't Beckham however, it's Jim. I like Jim. He's totally cute. And he's funny and sarcastic and nice---he's like a nice guy with an edge. I love that! So---we were flirting the entire night and totally hanging out. :) Anyway---we exchanged numbers and we talked yesterday! We are going out on Thursday. I know he doesn't read this but I am REALLY REALLY excited. He was flipping great and I hope that we continue to hit it off. Whoo-hoo! Of COURSE I'll keep you updated.

Got home SO late on Friday. Slept in on Saturday and then headed up to my football game around 12:30. It was really nice outside and it was strange b/c they said it was supposed to rain all day. I hopped on the subway and then got out at 145th and Lennox (read: the hood). It was TORRENTIALLY raining. Of course I didn't have an umbrella and I was totally soaked. Tim, et al. finally showed up. Tim had practically recruited his entire family to play for us since all of the guys on our team are flakes. The most annoying thing was that right as it started to stop raining, we realized that the team we were supposed to be playing against, didn't show up. No call, no nothing. We tried to go play in a pick up game in Central Park but because they fields were so wet, CP had closed them. We went to Brother Jimmy's instead. Fun times. Bernadette came too. :)

Oh---must talk more about the party----you know how girls go to the bathroom together? Well, I was in the bathroom with Lago, we were shooting the shit. Then all of a sudden Lago says, "Shit". Then she reaches down into the toliet and pulls out her cell phone that she just PISSED ON. It took all my strength to not laugh. She washes it off with water and then tries to use the hairdryer to dry it off. It totally didn't turn on. She got really sad about it and then started to complaing how it was a new phone, etc. etc. I still thought it was hilarious (sorry Lago). Anyway---thought that was an important tid bit not to leave out.

I babysat for my co-workers nephew after BJ's down in Tribeca. Their apartment is INCREDIBLE. Like, the New York apartments that you dream about living in but in no way can afford. Anyway---babysitting fine. The kid was cute :) So anyway. They put me in a cab home afterwards but there was a lot of traffic all over the city b/c it was Halloween and lots of people were out and about. It took an extra long time to get home. I started to feel sick like around 70th and Amsterdam. It was totally obnoxious. At first I thought I was getting car sick cause sometimes I do in long awful cab rides, but soon I started to realize that I felt like I was going to boot all over the place. So I get home, throw down my stuff and run to the bathroom. I then proceed to throw up like my entire lunch from Brother Jimmy's----pulled pork sandwich and all. It was so nasty and disgusting. I finally was done and then drank some coke and brushed my teeth. I was in bed around 1.

I was supposed to run in the Poland Spring Marathon Kickoff 5 mile run the following morning. Emphasis on the word "supposed" to. I still felt like CRAp when I woke up and there was no way that I could actually run 5 miles in the morning. So---I stayed in bed to recover. It was so annoying, especially since I'd spent a really long time training for the race and everything. I woke up eventually and then began my day long apartment cleaning and organizing and preparation for the exterminator for my fucking bed bugs. That my friends, was a nightmare. Pretty much I packed up my entire apartment. Imagine moving---but then not moving and just keeping everything in the middle of you apartment. It was disatrous. Finally I finished and headed down to 238. It was chill and fun and I got to talk to Molly more about Jim which was great.
My boss should seriously be on TV. This morning I have this weird red flush on my cheeks. Like, it looks like an allergic reaction or something even though I did nothing different this morning. Anyway---here is our conversation just now.

SL: What do you think is wrong with my face?
Jim: You are having an allergic reaction. You probably are allergic to something.
SL: Well, i didn't eat anything weird or do anything different to my face. It's strange.
Fran (other co-worker): You probably have measles.
SL: I don't. I have an innoculation for that. *grimacing*
Jim: No, it's not measels, she is allergic to something. What's that stuff you need....oh yeah. Benadryl.
SL: They have the non-drowsy kind right?
Jim: Yeah. Maybe you got bitten by something. My face gets like that when I get bit by hornets.
SL: !?!?!?

Have a great day everyone!



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