Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Traps and Poll

So I'm trying to save money. I'm going on a budget, no, an ACTUAL budget. Not the usual, fly by the seat of my pants, budget. Part of this budget is me not wasting money and buying unnecessary things. Anyway, the point of me telling you this story was to tell you that I actually brought my lunch today. And if by "bringing my lunch" I mean bringing in a soup can and then also eating the free bagel that Jim gets me every morning. My new phrase is, "If it's free, it's for me."

I was just telling Alexi that I really don't know what to write today. I guess I'll write a brief anecdote about some occurances last night and then be on with it. I'm tired, also b/c I'm trying not to buy coffee everyday and instead drink the free coffee they give you at work, but the problem is that I forgot to get the free coffee and now I'm tired and I don't have any energy to write funny things.

Last night I went out and bought the traditional wooden mousetraps. I bought 10 of them. I was "excited" to get back home and set them up to catch the mice. I read the directions and then followed them to a "T" but then really nothing would work. The mouse-trap wouldn't set. I called my sister and I even emailed her pictures of the trap so that she could help me figure out where to put the pole/snapping thing, etc. Look, maybe I'm dumb, but the picture quality on the instructions is bad and the pictures in step. 2 are misleading.

Finally I emailed the same pictures to my dad. He took one look and figured it out. Shocking. Then, the test was to get it to stay and not snap on my fingers. For the next 30 minutes, I slowly and carefully set up all the traps, often it would snap and then peanut butter would get all over the place. Such a mess. But finally I got them all set up and positioned throughout my apartment.

I woke up this morning----no dead mice. It's ok. I have faith in my trap set-up.

Poll Question of the Day:
Fellas, is it an added bonus for a girl to like/understand sports if you are interested in dating her?

*Please respond via comments. And ACTUALLY respond this time. Thanks!

Happy Hump Day!


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