Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Shout Outs and Frazzled

So there are several things I want to address that I've been thinking about. First of all, screw all you bastards. When I actually ask for your input on something, only like two people respond but then when I don't ask for your comments you just leave them anyway. Thanks Derryck and thanks Matt. Anyway, I think that I'm going to go with Matt's idea. I shouldn't be a slave to the shout-outs section right? I should just do a shout out whenever I want. Oh, and Matt, I've been thinking about what Susannah said. I never thought about it that way. I kind of think she's right. Like, the thing is if you had left a comment, I probably would have ultimately given you a shout out anyway. So I gave you one, but if you ask for one again, I'm not going to. I'll take it as a reason to NOT give you a shout out. Smooches!

And Derryck, what's up with calling me and leaving me a message and then IM-ing me and giving me a hard time about not updating my blog. For your information, I HAD updated my blog and it was just your stupid computer that was all messed up. So---I know it's the most exciting part of your day, reading it that is…but don't be so quick to jump down my throat. :) Derryck, I still think you're awesome even if you have a pole in your foot. Don't forget it.

Anyway, back to real life. So yesterday after work I was supremely frazzled. Imagine that, me, frazzled. In the morning Courtney asked me and Tommy G. to come out to happy hour with her, a client and Brette. I had mad stuff to do, including a call with Ron at 9:00 to plan out workshop. I also, most importantly, had to pack for DC this weekend. Anyone that knows me knows how much I loathe packing. Most days, I'd rather stay at work longer just to avoid packing. I hate thinking about what I'm going to be wearing and I also hate physically putting things into a suitcase. I hate packing. OK, so I had to get to it at some point that night though as I am leaving after work today. Another thing that was on my to-do list was to pick up my laundry. I actually dropped off a TON of laundry the other day with the intention of using the clean clothes to pack. Get it? Basically I had no clothes at all and it was integral to my clothes-wearing this weekend to pick up that laundry.

So the issue was the following:
I wanted to go to HH w/Court and crew---but I didn't know how long it was going to last. I didn't want to jet out early cause it would most definintely be a good time, but I didn't want to risk not getting my laundry beforehand---anticipating a late start (I mean, c'mon we're dealing with Court here…) and a late night. The laundry place closed at 8. Oh, did I mention I had to go see my hottie chiropractor too? So here's how it panned out---I'm sure you're waiting with baited breath about it.

I jet out of work right at 5, rush uptown to my casa where I pick up my laundry, grab my mail and pee. What I really wanted to do was change into jeans and sneakers, but Brette threatened my life if I did that. So I stayed in my heels and skirt. Curses….I'm like running back to the subway, my feet/calves have been hurting because of my excessive high-heel wearing all week to impress all the crushes I've been developing. Alas, I finally get to mid-town. It's like 5:43pm and I have to walk 5 blocks to get to the chiro by 5:45pm. I'm going as fast as I can. Imagine the way that Jeff used to imitate my walk in high school. I'm pretty sure I was walking like that. I get there and then have to wait---figures. We are supposed to start this HH shindig at 6pm. But I knew that was off by AT LEAST 30 minutes b/c again, we are dealing with Courtney. So, I wasn't too freaked out/spazzing. I finally finish my apt. Dr. Sullivan and then we flirt/chat a while afterward, I mean, our weekly ritual of flirting was not going to be cut short b/c of happy hour!

Walk quickly over to the happy hour place and call Brette to see if she's there. Then I walk in, blab on to the hostess for like 5 minutes about how I'm looking for people, but I don't KNOW if there is a reservation or anything. I finally walk around and look. I find Tommy G and Brette at the bar. Whew.

The night unfolded from there---full of tanqueray and tonics, delicious aps, and wonderful company. I probably drank too much, if my probably I mean most definitely. Phillip was great so was his hot partner Chris, though he was married. And as usual the combination of Court and Tommy G was classic. Shared a cab ride with Brette---she lectured me on how it would be a good idea to pack tonight instead of frantically tomorrow morning.

Of course I didn't take her advice. I had 4 messages from people, including Ron who called about our call that didn't happen obviously. I passed out. Woke up early. And if my "early" I mean, the same time I normally wake up to get ready. I threw some clothes with green on them into my bag and waltzed out the door. Yes, I waltzed people. Today is going great. I’m meeting Laura after work to drive to DC.

I'm so boosted about tomorrow.

Jose---you just called me twice about you were wasted. You called me wasted at 10:30am. You win the alkie award. :) I still love you. Come to Whitlows. :)
Darren: So excited to see you tomorrow---thanks for the comment. Sorry, no cookies to DC. I apologize. :(
Ron--I'm sorry I dissed you.
Lago---Road trip tonight! Can't wait!
Tommy G: You, my friend, are awesome. I had a great time seeing you last night.
Phillip S: You are too cool. Kickin' in the understatement of the century. You amaze me with your slang talents. You even rival Courtney.


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