Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Running and Pinkberry

I was pretty productive last night getting a lot of stuff taken care of that has been on the back burner for a while now. I decided that I was going to have a take no prisoners attitude yesterday.

I was initially frustrated because I left work as soon as I could yesterday at around 5:20. I raced home on the bus trying to get to the post office before 6pm. Jake had sent me a package ages ago and I finally got a note that said that my package would be sent back if I didn't come and pick it up this week. So I'm totally busting my butt to get there before 6pm. I roll in at about 5:58 convinced that I'm going to grab my package and get out of here. I stand in the line and this dude, that looks like the bald guard in night court is like, "I said three times that the line is closed."

I stare at him thinking a few things inside my head:
1. I obviously just got here so I didn't hear you announce that the line was closed the three times prior.
2. WTF?! It's not even 6pm. My god-damn package is going to get returned.
3. How do people with jobs like mine get packages anyway? Do they all get returned? What is the deal?
4. How I hate that post office and that night court man.

I storm back out onto the street unable to complete my first errand and then I go home, pound some scooby doo fruit snacks like a champion and throw on my running clothes. I run up to the reso. and run around it once. I'm pretty out of shape it seems. I did OK though. I may or may not run today depending on how I feel and also depending on whether or not I'm going to hang out with Lindsay. Hey---are we hanging out tonight?

After my run, I walked over to Duane Reade to pick up my prescription. On the way I stopped at PinkBerry. I pretty much love that place. It's like the most delicious place. I got an original with yogurt chips, granola and strawberries. Yeah---it was my dinner. I chowed down on it all the way down the block and then did my shopping.

I get home and think that it would be a good idea to file and start to organize some of the things in my house. So I pop in "Annie" and watch it and file. I get a phone call from DR saying that I had left my prescription at the pharmacy and that I could pick it up tomorrow. Yes, lets all join in a say that I'm a complete idiot together! :) Alas, I'm going back today.

I finished my filing (sort of) and read a bit and then went to bed.

I'm so cool.



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