Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Package and Busy

I finally picked up my package! Jake had bought me this like interactive book on the human body: AKA, the best present ever. It's really cool. It goes through each system and explains a whole bunch of stuff about the functions. It even talked about poop, which I thought was cool.

New guilty pleasure: Pinkberry.

I know I talked about it yesterday but seriously I have an addiction. It's so delicious. I've decided that it's best to eat it after running though or else I'm still hungry for dinner afterwards.

Tomorrow is my first GRE class. I'm actually sort of nervous because it's the first class ergo it's when I have to take my diagnostic. I'm nervous that I'm going to suck at it. :( I have been learning vocabulary and I'm excited about taking the class and learning stuff but I'm also nervous?! Did I just really ramble that much? Anyway---it's cool. The month of May and the first half of June are going to be nuts I think. Between MLW and work and GRE and running, I'm going to be overwhelmed.

Did I tell you all that I registered for the NYC Marathon? Well I did earlier in the week. I'm very boosted about it. I hope I make it in the lottery. If I don't I'm absolutely going to run for a charity which will get me guaranteed entry. I think I'm going to either run for the Leukemia and Lymphoma socety or Team for Kids if I don't make it in through the lottery. I made this running schedule this morning and it's pretty aggressive but I think I can do it. My first race this month is on the 19th, it's a 10K. I think I should be fine, but I definately have to step up the training.

OK. I have to focus and start working.

I hope everyone has a happy Wednesday.


Pet Peeve of the day:
Opening DVD's---why do they have to wrap them so tightly and THEN also have that annoying super sticky and super tight sticker on the top, bottom, and side of it. WTF?! Does it really have to be that way????


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