Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Smell and Vikings

Yesterday sucked. The entire day was crazy as shit. The best part of the day was BY FAR----when Mike and I got goodburger for lunch. It was delicious. It's a new burger joint that opened right by our office and everyone was excited to try it. I'm glad I did. The meat was fresh and delicious. a disclaimer, anyone who plans on going there anytime soon allot like 30 minutes to go b/c the line is out of control.

Anyway---yesterday I had a mini conference call with Marcy and Mary Alex. The call was about assistant directing and everything. They were totally supportive and awesome about everything. All while giving me honest feedback. Now THAT's what I'm talking about! So, it was great. If you are reading this---thanks guys! (although I know they don't read this)

I swore that I had something interesting to write about today. Let's think hard about it. Well...yesterday when I came home from work I walked in my apartment and it smelled like 100% disgusting trash. I thought that I had forgotten to take the trash out. I was right, but usually when the trash is smelling, it gets REALLY bad when i go and try and close the trash bag and everything. But, it didn't do that so much this time. I sill thought it was the trash though. It turns out that it was the gross dishes in the sink. Oh---and it still smelled this morning b/c I didn't realize that is still smelled in the apt. after I took out the trash. You know...sensory adaptation.

It's going to wreak when I get home from work today. Yikes.

I'm in a really good mood today. Don't really know why. Maybe b/c it's Friday.

Tonight I have this "Young Vikings" happy hour tonight at 8 at Metro 53. If you want to come---please do. I hope people show up. If people aren't there by 8:30. I'm totally bailing. I don't know why in the effing world I volunteered to be the head of these people. Oh wait...I know. It's b/c I can never say no to anything.

Ok---must go.



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