Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Folks and Meatheads

Sorry it's taken me so long to post this--I'm finally catching up on all the things I wanted to add, etc. :) Thanks for being so understanding.

It wouldn't be a family visit if there were no home-improvement involved right? Good thing we kept up the tradition this weekend! Friday my parents came into town. They even came up to the office. Everyone enjoyed meeting them and it was a cute and fun but thankfully short visit. After we left we walked up Madison Ave. so we could get some exercise as well as window shop. I think it's cool to look at the stores at night on Madison and 5th. It's like pretending I'm rich as if I could actually afford anything in those stores. There were some neat galleries up there as well.

They dropped off their things at my apartment and then shot the shit for a while until we figured out what we were supposed to do for dinner. There is always a big production about where we are going to eat. I didn't do my part and plan out anything, no reservations, nothing. So---I failed there, but one would think that a smart family like us could figure out something as easy as finding a place to eat right? Wrong. I couldn't find my Zagat's and then I was online searching for a place to eat on menu-pages. My dad started to complain about the time and so I was like---we'll just walk around then then we'll find something. I can't really explain to you how bad of an idea that is. Everytime we do this, we walk around until we are so starving and cranky that we end up eating at McDonalds. So, I vowed this wouldn't happen this time. But of course, it did. We walked around for a while and luckily we found a place close to my apt. that was yummy. It was called Annie's. I had the pork tenderloin. YUMMY!!!

We woke up early. Well I did, it's not usual that I wake up at 8am on a Saturday morning with no hangover or am not extremely exhausted. We were slow to get out, my dad took a shower and then while I was in the shower they went out to get bagels at H&H. I informed them that I couldn't go there b/c Manny was always asking me out and stuff and it became a nuissance. I decided that I could only go there sparingly and/or never.

We headed down to Container Store and Home Depot to look for something to hold my fish tank. I'd been literally sitting with an empty fish tank for over a month. It was getting a bit excessive. So----finally we found this thing that would hold everything. :) We dropped it off at my apt. and then we headed over to the Frick to see this Domenico Tiepolo drawings. They were incredible. We all really enjoyed the exhibit. At this point though we were starving and tired. We walked through the park and headed over to Carnegie Deli. My mom had really wanted to go there for lunch. We get there---stand in line and then proceed to order IMMENSE amounts of food. The portions are insane. We were all bursting at the seams after we left. We walked around a little bit and then decided that it would be smart to take the subway downtown so I could show my parents the village and the cuteness that it is. That was good----but then it started to get dark, I had to pee and we also were getting tired. We had walked all the way back to the east side---and took the 6 uptown back to my apt. We were so tired. We were also still stuffed from dinner. We relaxed for a while, walked around some more. Oh right, we went to PetCo to get gravel and plants for my fish tank that I was going to set up. The instructions said that you had to rinse off the gravel in a bucket that is 100% devoted to fish care. Anyway, we couldn't find a bucket. I had decided at that point that I would set the tank up on Monday night.

We then, got into out pjs and watched Harry Potter and drank wine. :) It was a good night.

Pop and I made one last trip to Home Depot to get some wood so that the furniture in my apartment doesn't lean since the floor is so crooked and ghetto. Then we got bagels and walked back home. We also stopped at Bed, Bath and Beyond so that I could buy a spice rack to eliminate clutter on my countertop. Success. While we were gone my mom thought it would be a good idea to clean the floor, and not like swiffer wet-jet the floor, but hard core pine-sol clean the floor. It smelled so lemony fresh. She also cleaned the bathroom floor and scrubbed my stovetop. I honestly, didn't even know that my stove could get that clean. Thanks Mom!!

We headed off to my football game. We were so confident in winning and beating the asshole SEC tailgaters that we were all flustered and everything and we lost. My first taste of defeat. It was horrible. We were very depressed so after I walked my parents halfway to Penn Station so they could catch their bus back and then I drank my sorrows away. Actually my team got pretty wasted. We ended up drinking a TON of beer and did some shots of Yaeger, etc. etc. I also remember eating this thing of herring that made my breath sink so badly for a while---me and Tim ate it. I have no recollection of who ordered it and why. Anyway----we stumbled out of the bar at around 6ish. Michelle and I live close to each other and we somehow were going to get home, although the method was not discussed. Justin was walking with us when Michelle went to the side of the road and started booting all over the place. It smelled and out of fear that I would start booting too---I moved away. It was then when Justin suggested that we come back to his place to rest up for a while before heading home. It was the best idea ever.

It is now that one should remember that I have a date with Jim for dinner at 8pm. It is now 6pm and I am very much passed out on Justin's couch. Michelle is passed out too, but not on the couch. She is riding the porcelin bus. Poor Michelle. I somehow by the grace of god remembered that it would be a good idea to set my alarm. I did for 7:30. I wake up and it's been going off for about 15 minutes. How no one else in the apt. murdered me is beyond me. I stumbled out the door at like 8pm. I txted Jim to tell him I was going to be late.

A few things:
1. I was still wearing my disgusting football clothes from the game.
2. I looked horrible
3. I was humgover/still a little drunk.
4. i was exhausted.

The fact that Jim wants to hang out with me again on Wednesday is a miracle. But it could just mean that I'm a badass.

He walked me to the subway and then we kissed goodnight. :) Then I went home and passed out.



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