Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Fish and Annoying Eyes

Happy Birthday Kimmy!
Hope you have a wonderful day in Germany! I miss you!

Yesterday sucked. I woke up with pink eye and didn't go into work. It really sucked. Can I please reiterate how annoying it is to be so succeptable to that fucking thing? Anyway, I didn't get anything accomplished other than dropping off my clothes at the clearners and going grocery shopping. No, I was actually really happy about the grocery shopping. I finally have food to eat at home. :)

On Monday night when I got home from work, I chilled for a bit. I was going to go running, but of course I didn't b/c it was raining, but really a few weeks ago, the rain would NOT have stopped me. Anyway---I thought it was high time that I set up my fishtank. They say that you are supposed to set it up a few days before you put fish into it b/c that way the tank has stabilized and everything. It looks so awesome. It took a long time to fill it up with water. Way longer than I had anticipated. But now I have the filter running and everything it is looks amazing.

Tonight Jim and I are getting together to buy the fish for my tank and then go see a movie. We are either going to see "The Departed" or "Stranger than Fiction". I think at this point, I'm leaning toward the latter b/c it's not depressing and about death and everything. Ah well. I'm sure he'll be up for it. He's in charge of looking up times and everything. I should really email him now that I think about it. I'll be sure and let you all know how it goes. Just kidding. B/c I really like Jim I don't want to write too much stuff about him on my blog. First, he doesn't know I have a blog. Well, actually I think I mentioned it to him, but he doesn't know the URL or anything.

Poll: should I tell him the URL?

I don't think he'll disapprove or anything, but anyway I was just wondering what you all thought. If anyone still reads this thing.

Ok, must get to work.



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