Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Softball and MLW

Well---I have wonderful news. My softball team won their inagural 2006 Season game. It was a blow out. Let me explain:
We get to the field and were really early, so we were throwing/catching, and then we had a bit of batting practice. It was great. I broke in my cleats. I also HAVE to say that our jerseys are really cool. Mine got really dirty last night. I am taking really gross laundry home to wash. Like----narsty sweaty and dirty clothes and things. Ick.

I conside myself a fairly athletic person right? Well I want to enlighted everyone to how I'm feeling right now in terms of my body. There are reasons for all the different pain. Read on:

From Bowling on Tuesday: a really achy right forearm and wrist though it has subsided quite a bit since then.
From the Corporate Challenge: EXTREMELY sore groin from all the hills in Central Park and also where my leg connects to my body.
From the softball game: my left forearm has a bruise b/c I caught this like low line drive and it didn't quite make it into my glove, instead---it hit my arm. Yesterday you could see the stiches from the ball. Ouch. My biceps a little bit. And my head from my hangover.

Thanks to whomever facilitated the return of my "Norway Jose" shirt. I got it in the mail yesterday and I'm very happy about it. I missed it. I think it was Charlie and thanks.

MLW weekend is going to be crazy----I'm already overwhelmed. I leave tonight on the flight.***

*** Ok---technically, I'm editing this after the fact so I can fill you in on what happened---
Of course I'm rushing around trying to make it to the airport on time and everything only to find that the flight is delayed. I knew this was going to potentially a problem because it is EVERY effing time I go. So---the planes hadn't even left boston to come down to NYC yet. My original 8pm flight left at 10:30. I got home SO late and was SOOOOOOO grumpy, if you can even imagine. I had a mini-breakdown at the airport. It was just a disaster.

Actually the staff day went well. I usually tend to dread them---just b/c often I get overwhelmed by what's due and everything. But it went really well I thought. Oh, but i did get really bad rug burn from playing steal the bacon poker.

On Saturday night I hung out with Jaxx and AB until like 5am, totally shooting the shit. It was insane, but a quality time. :) I love those girls. Sunday was awful and pouring and then our tunderstorming and everything. I slept in an it was glorious. Our electricity went off for a while and that sucked, but i wasn't really doing anything, just like pretty much sleeping. Also---I decided to take an earlier flight home to avoid delays which ended up being a smart choice since DC had crazy flooding the rest of the night.

There is another retroactive posting coming up.

Happy Belated Friday!


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