Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Feelings about Fat People

I hate to be superficial but...why do people wear clothes that are too tight for them. Like, what goes through their mind when they look in the mirror in the morning--

Hmmm...I love the way this tank top clings to all my disgusting fat rolls. I love how my skirt rides up in the back because my ass is too big. I also love that the tank top is short and only comes to the top of my skirt so it makes me look short waisted and fatter than I already am. It makes me look great and really appropriate for work.

Seriously. It's not even about "being proud" of your body. It's about looking appropriate. Am I as skinny as Kate Moss? No, but I do take care to not wear clothes that make me look like an Orca. I hate the fat revolution. I hate that fat is in---or whatever. If you are a bit overweight, cool---if you are exercising and taking care of yourself---that's fantastic. I'm not going to fault you for that. But when you are a fat b/c you don't care about anything and eat a lot and aren't taking care of your body----that is NOT cool. You know, eventually those people are going to die out and natural selection will set in. These people aren't going to survive.

Food is glorious. It is amazing how many wonderful flavours come out of the kitchen. I myself could never be anorexic. Why don't more people think, "everything in moderation"? Our nation breeds laziness and apathy. The fast food generation is repulsive. Everything is made as easy as possible. Everything can be delivered. No one is required to do anything physical anymore.

News flash: Those shows about fat people and Oprah talking about fat people and losing weight, don't do jack shit for the general public. In fact, they probably do a disservice to obese people. They rationalize those shows by being like, "Oh well...I'm not so fat that they have to cut a wall down out of my house to get me outside..." It's like encouraging that they aren't the worst of the worst.

I have fat issues. I know I do and I'm sorry for this raid as it's not really witty or funny. It's probably offensive to some people. But, this is my blog. This entry is harsh.'s a harsh world.

Happy Tuesday,


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