Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Happy Hour and Awkward

Yesterday was a pretty good day---I have to say. I practically wrote about the day in yesterday's entry anyway, nothing particularly exciting happened.

I did end up going to happy hour after work, even though I was still undecided on whether or not I actually wanted to go since I had to pack for Boston, get a key made for Mike, pick up my prescription, generally clean, do MLW stuff, and do other stuff. But, I easily succumb to peer pressure. The simple phrase, "Lauren, you're coming." ended up being my deciding factor with me. We headed over to Redemption. Which is a fun bar on 2nd Ave. Had me a few Tanquerray and tonics---it was so clutch though cause we were sitting outside at first and it was nice--then it started to TORRENTIALLY rain and they put up the awning or whatever and we were protected. It was really cool---we were just straight chillin' and hanging out. We had a cool crew there--made some new friends. So---I was ready to go home, I was sort of wet, and tired and had to pack and clean and everything. But again---I was convinced to go over to Bobby Van's to hang with some of the managers who hI walked in though---it was a different story, here are all the people I was with:
  1. my really cool manager---who is also captain of my softball team: cool
  2. the woman who hired me---good relationship, though weird to be drinking with her: weird
  3. the girl i wrote about yesterday that i think hates me: uncool
  4. another girl who i sort of don't know how i feel about/generally standoffish/i think hates me: uncool
  5. my friend jon: cool
  6. bernadette, jo, and paolo: cool

You may think that most of the people there are cool. You would be right. But it was the combination of those people that made me want to leave as soon as I walked in. It was so awkward. And the funny thing is that I really don't get awkward in very many sitiations. So you can imagine how I must have felt.

I had bought an Adidas sports bag earlier that day for my gymnastics and swimming jaunts, the backpack that I had been using was pretty much shot---I had to carry the stupid bag around to the bar but I left it on the floor at our table at the first bar. It was soaking wet from the hurricane that came through NYC. By the stroke of God, I remembered that I forgot my bag as SOON as I got into that awkward situation at Bobby Vans. I made a clean exit. Bernadette warned me to come back---b/c I think she knew that I would not want to. The thing is, if I hadn't actually had an excuse to not go back----I probably would have, despite the awkwardness.

Then, Lindsay and Mike saved me. They called from the cab about coming uptown to meet me so Mike could drop his stuff off. I was clear. I called B and left her a msg about the situation, called Timmy and cried about how I thought B was going to be pissed at me for not coming back and then---all was well.

I got home, Mike dropped off his ginormous suitcase and then I went to Better Burger to chow. Then I went home and passed out. Things I did not do:

  1. Pack for Boston
  2. make a key for Mike
  3. pick up my prescription
  4. generally clean
  5. do MLW stuff
  6. do other stuff

I woke up butt early* and packed---who knows the things I probably forgot. I think I may be ok, but whatever...I was a bit of a disaster and about apx. 10 minutes late for work as a result of this early morning** packing.

Man! There are two baby twin girls in my office right now---a lady just had them. They are so friggin' cute. One problem from when people bring cute kids into the office, especially babies--is that I want to steal them away. Oh, now one is crying. Nevermind.

People, I am signing off for a while---as I'm going to Boston until Tuesday night so there will be likely no posts until Wednesday when I return. Try and hold back your sadness. If you want to talk to me---call! Unless you are someone I don't know or don't like, then please don't call. You don't have my number anyway.


*normal time
**again, normal time I wake up/get ready


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