Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Gymnastics and Muscles

I HATE BLOGGER.COM---they always "lose" my entires and then I have to re-type all my witty and funny commentary. I had this WHOLE thing written out about my gymnastics class that I went to---and now I have to re-type it. I don't really want to retype it at all. This is so frustrating.

Are you ever intimidated by certain people? Or like supposedly came off a wrong way to them at one point, and you know they made a judgement about you based off of that and now realize they can't shake it? This has just happened to me. There is this woman at work---who was in charge of "training" me. Honestly she didn't really do that good of a job. She's really good about passing the buck too---like, if I ask her how to do something, she tells me to ask someone else. It's really annoying. Well---for whatever reason, she doesn't like me. I just am not "cool" enough for her or something. She always acts to fake to me. Normally I wouldn't care. Except there is a girl i'm pretty good friends with that is like SUPER tight with her---like, introcduced her to her current boyfriend tight---and that is weird. I just don't like her. She rubs me the wrong way and she treats me like I'm stupid. I hate that. I'm frustrated cause she gave me attitude b/c we ran into each other in the bathroom when we were both opening the door at the same time. She got a little attitude with me. Sorry....

Today at work is really busy to----I have all these meetings today and just a bunch of stuff to do and I just got my period and I'm cranky. I'm also so flipping sore from my gymnastics class I took on Monday night. I need to explain a bit about that class actually since I didn't post yesterday.

Gymnastics Class:
What an adventure. I saw that at the Chelsea Piers they offer Adult gymnastics classes and so I thought I'd go and do a trial one---I'd done it as a kid and always loved it---so I could try one class right? I took care to read all the different levels and descriptions and figured that I would be in the intermediate class. I headed down there after work. I got there a little bit early so I saw all the kids on the real team practicing. It totally took me back and was great to watch and wish that I could still do some of those skills.

The class started and there were about 4 girls, and the rest guys, about 15 in total. All of the guys were generally good. But mostly the thing that I noticed about them was their lack of fear when it came to trying new things. I am not a chicken, but there are things that I'm generally scared to do without a spot. At least at this level right now. It was the flipping first day. Then we did like warm up activities and everything. This included, but was not limited to: front rolls, back rolls, handstands, cartwheels, roundoffs, walking handstands*, back extention rolls*, and general jumping and stuff. I could really not do some of those things. So, like a total wimp, after a few attempts at the skills, clearly realizing I couldn't do them---I just walked the rest of the way across the floor.

Then we started off on front tumbling. I pretty much thought that I would be able to go at my own pace and until I was comfortable with what we were doing, with a spot, or whatever, would I then try the skill on my own. OK, so the coaches are these two jacked gumnasts, who I have to say, are quite cute.--Randy and Billy. Billy was like---"suck it up Lauren, do the front handspring!" So, thus began my insane session of doing flips and stuff that I hadn't done since I was appx. 12. That is 10 years ago people. Then came front flips, and then front walkovers, and the combinations of the two/three. I was soaring through them. I still needed a spot for the front tuck though. I'm getting there.

Then came back tumbling, I knew I was going to start being real chicken about this stuff. So, we did like roundoffs and everything. Then, I did a backhandspring with a spot. I was sort of crappy at the roundoff back-handspring pass. I will get it next week for sure. Anyway---there is this girl there---Donna. She is the epitome of a loser. SHe came in on rollerblades and then started jabbering on about how she's done this for three years and how great she is but how she has "psychological problems" when it comes to needing spots on skills she can do already without them. I was like, "uh-huh, yeah." And so---then she gets out there---totally trying to show off all the shit she can do. One problem is that she has the worst form ever. So, yeah, she can totally "do" more skills than me, but 1. it was my first day and 2. she is stupid, and 3. she was doing it badly. I give myself about a month to whip up into shape.

Now to the Aftermath---
The next morning I couldn't move. I couldn't walk. I couldn't breathe/laugh/chuckle or do anything requiring my stomach muscles. My upper back was hurting. I was walking around like an old person. I wished I had a cane like Derryck. It was so horrible. I vowed that I would never do gymnastics again. I had never been so sore in my entire life. Yesterday was almost worse. It was horrific. But---I'm going back next week. Don't worry!

My bank sent me one of those "blink" cards. You know, the ones where in some places you can like just "flash" it in front of this pad thingie and it gets charged. It's cool. But it's a debit card. I was skeptical about it at first, but I had no choice, they send me new cards all the time, like once every three months, I guess they are trying to protect against identity theft or something. I'm happy with this.


**again, this was retroactive, b/c I finished the last part of the entry on Thursday, not Wednesday.


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