Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Cuilacoche and Casey

Ah---the quote of the day just happened---

We are talking about cuitlacoche at work---something we do often. And we are all talking about things we would eat and things we wouldn't eat. This conversation was actually stemmed by a conversation about rice pudding and how much I hate pudding-consitency thing---such a rice pudding/pudding/jello/bread pudding, you get the idea. ANYWAY---my boss claims that he'll eat a lot of gross things, like cow stomach and "lamb face" but that he won't even try cuitlacoche. This is what he said---

"You know, I have no problems eating like tripe, or stomach or whatever, but I'm not going to eat something out of a can that looks like the black lung out of a autopsy patient."

SO--there you have it people.

There is something I have to confess on this blog---I have a crush on Casey. I won't say his last name but everyone who knows Casey, knows who I'm talking about. Yep, I know he's like a TON younger than me. But I have to put it out there---a harmless crush. He doesn't read this blog---it's ok. I'm sure the MLW gossip tree will sprout his way. *sigh* That was a bit of juice for you.

Today has been pretty busy. I'm supposed to go to happy hour with co-workers but I have like a BILLION things to do---errands to run and everything. We'll see. I also wanted to go to the gym.

Something annoying happened at work just now that wasn't funny or cute or awesome. I am really frustrated right now. UH---

Hope everyone has great Thursday's



  • At Thursday, June 29, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Mmmmm I just want to wrap that up in a tortilla and chomp away. I'm glad you figured out how to put pics in!

  • At Saturday, July 01, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    btw he's only 20 -- not that bad, and TOTALLY AMAZING in EVERY WAY


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