Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Office Commentary and Shout Outs

So, it's high time that I explain a little bit about the people that I work with. I pray to Christ that they will never see this blog but if they do, maybe it will be after I've moved on or something.

Brent: Brent is my boss. He is the head principal of the group. He's pretty short, has decent hair but he dresses like he's supposed to star in a 1982 GQ Magazine. He wears navy blue with black, and not in a good way. He sometimes wears retarded belts and cowboy boots. He has flare jeans too. He just got glasses for the first time and is obsessed with them. He' the guy that is always taking them on and off to clean them and mess with them. He drinks more coffee that any man that I've ever met. Literally, he's always drinking some. ALWAYS. He is obnoxious, I often end up having to treat him like a child. It's his way or the highway, or rather that your way is significantly inferior to his way. He works insane hours. He lives in Kentlands and has a little daughter who is really cute. Her name is Cassidy. I like him although sometimes I want to choke him.

Chris: Chris is so nice. He's another principal in the group and hes like almost 40 I think. He's single and he is looking to buy a condo somewhere in a nice neighborhood. He doesn't really have much of a life (his words, not mine) but he is so great. We hang out sometimes. He went to Univ. of Delaware and says he needs a girlfriend. I think he's pretty cute, but he works too much. Like Brent but Brent is already married. The other day I was straightening some of his jackets on the back of his door and I broke off the hook.

Michael: Michael is from Israel. He wishes he was working for Lehman Brothers or something and he wants to do stock valuations for a big bank. He's very savvy and smart and is jealous that I have my Series 7. We get along really well. He showed me this radio station that's on this Hebrew channel that is like AMAZING. Sometimes they speak in Hebrew but it's ok, I only really care about the music. He also drives a motorcycle. We talk about Jewish stuff a lot.

Tara: She's a manager and she RULES. She grew up in Astoria and she's my homie. I really can't say enough nice things about her. She's cute and has a biting NYC talk that I love. She's my gossip buddy since there aren't that many women in my group. I love Tara.

Kyle: Kyle rules. He is possibly the most awesome person. He is really funny and once you break his first shy-ish layer, he is pretty much hilarious. He works like 70 hour weeks, especially during this time of year. I really like him. Kyle can also bake, which is shocking. He is married to this lady Hillary and they made these like fancy cookies one day. Kyle lives in Gaithersburg near Brent.

Jordan: Jordan has a cute son Jesse. We talk about Jesse a lot. He's effing adorable. I make Jordan send me pictures of him and we talk about how cute he is a lot. Jordan is a laywer and is also really smart. He wears sweaters a lot, but so do a lot of men in my group. Jordan wears glasses too. He sits next to Kyle in the corner.

Kumar: Kumar is indian. He just had a baby girl. Kumar is a little slovenly. He a lot of times has food on his face. He eats lunch at like 10:30am and usually its some nasty ass microwave meal. He drags his feet and has a belly that hangs over his pants. He's sort of annoying and is constantly asking me for office supplies that I've never heard of and then insists I must have them. He talks weird and in circles and I rarely can get a straight answer out of him. He's late a lot and I don't really understand that. Kumar is not my favorite person in the office.

Dhar: Ah...Dhar. He was shy at first but now we are homies. He is actually younger than me, he JUST turned 26 yesterday. HBDD! :) Tomorrow as a team we are going out to lunch to celebrate. He has kind of wild black hair and I think he's pretty cute too. He wears cologne, which is sort of cute. I like Dhar, he makes me laugh.

Melanie: Melanie does a lot of work on real estate valuations. She is REALLY pregnant. She is married to this Ethiopian guy and her other two kids are GORGEOUS. She is from Germany and she has a German accent, it's cute. She brought me back German chocolate from her trip and I ate it in one second. She also broughtt me this German candy bar that I thought was dark chocolate and so I took a big bite out of it and then realized it was marzipan. I had to spit it out. I think marzipan tastes like death. She sometimes has lipstick like on her face too. She is super nice though, I like her.

Gillian: She was from England and she wore a wig and she got fired yesterday.


Jess Povtak: Hi! I hope you are well! I miss you!
Stephanie: Yo homie, so glad you are in town, it's been amazing hanging out with you every night!
Jake: Hey dude, two months from Monday! Love you!
Tanzer & Vance: Raise your hand if you miss working in the same office as each other!
CK: Don't worry about the invites. They were just re-printed and it was no harm no foul! xo

Well...I think this is enough for today!

Tonight I'm having Jerry's Pizza (HELL YEAH!) for dinner with my family as we work on wedding things. If your invitation has a pepperoni smudge, don't worry about it ok?!



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