Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Lay Offs and Other Things

I know, it seems like I lied when I said I would be updating my blog more, but It's ALWAYS on my mind. Work has been INSANE ever since my bacherlorette weekend. I have a few things to say.

First of all: Wedding planning is out of control. OUT OF CONTROL. I'm sort of overwhelmed but also it's exciting. My sister is in town this week b/c my bridal shower is on Saturday and she planned it. I can't wait to see all my friends again! It's like never ending fun!

I'm sure all you Lehman people remember that usually my desk was neat and organized but my desk today looks like a shit show. It's so messy. There are papers all over the place and it's nutso.

Tonight Stephanie is coming over for dinner. Jake is making some delicious thing.

One horrible thing right now is that my firm (where I just started working in December) is laying off people. This afternoon was the first round of cuts. It was 15% of the workforce. One lady got laid off from my group and I feel bad for her on a personal level but she did sort of suck and never did anything right. I'm not one for "deserving" to get fired, but people need to know that this economy sucks and they always need to be on their toes. They can't just skate by anymore. People need to take their jobs seriously and not take them for granted. It also sucks for people that are looking for jobs, like right out of college kids. We have totally halted our recruiting process and taking massive cost cutting maneuvers.

Raise your hand if your wedding invitations were all printed and then your sister was looking at them and pointed out that marriage was spelled wrong.

*Me raising hand*

Don't even get me started....

Ok, I know this was not a juicy entry or anything but I barely had time for this. I'll try more this week.

Happy Hump Day!


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