Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Comeback and Excitement!

Hello my friends!

I am happy to announce the comeback of SimplyLauren. Occasionally, I'll be in a group that remembers when I used to post regurlarly and they will mention that they "miss" the blog or they ask what happened to my aspiration to be "blogfamous". Well kids, I'm back and I'm back with a vengenace. Just kidding, I don't have vengenance or anything I just wanted to write that to be funny.

A LOT of things have changed since I was last a blogger. I mean, BRIEFLY, I should give those of you an update about what is going on in my life. If you want any more details about my life if you are REALLY out of date on things, I'll be more than happy to elaborate in the comments section.

1. I now live in Maryland
2. I work in Bethesda, at a Tax and Accounting firm where I work in the Valuation and Transaction Advisory Group. I like it.
3. I am engaged to Jake and we're getting married in May. May 16th to be exact.
4. My sister moved to Atlanta. Dr. Bora is 10 now...and his answers will be not nearly as cute and endearing.

I think that's all the real big deal updates for the time being.

Today is President's Day and when I worked at Lehman I used to get this day off because the market is closed. Unfortunately, my company now does not observe the market being closed as a holiday. Which is SO stupid. SO Stupid. Anyway---I can't do anything about it so there is no point complaining. Also---I have a lot of awesome vacations and things going on this year so not having one day off is totally fine.

So one thing I'm really excited about is that I just applied to be a volunteer EMT at the Wheaton Rescue Station. I did my ride along last week with the Wednesday crew and they were so awesome. I loved all the people there and I'm really excited about the prospect of joining the squad.

This past weekend Jake and I did a TON of wedding stuff. It seems like we have to plan out times to NOT do wedding things, but for the time being it's ok. Today the wedding is three months away. I can't effing believe that it is so close! It seems like just yesterday we were engaged! We did a cake, or rather, cupcake tasting yesterday and it was amazing. I could NOT be more excited about the flipping cupcakes. :) I also bought my wedding band, it's exactly what I wanted to I'm excited about that too. We didn't get Jake's b/c we are still deciding on what he wants and also, the men's ones were WAY more expensive that I thought they were going to be. Seriously, mine has diamonds and was still cheaper than some of the rings we looked at for him. Oh's not really a rush just yet.

I know this post isn't particularly funny or witty but I just am getting back into the swing of things. Give me a few days!

Hope you all have happy, healthy President's Days!



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