Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Updates and Bachelorette Weekend

Good morning everyone!

So---I gave up Facebook for lent. Usually I give up something that I definitely eat/do/etc, but this year, I am giving up something that I just spend too much time on. Facebook isn't blocked at work. WHich honestly, is a HUGE mistake. I don't understand why it's not. I'm sure that people (ahem: me) go on it periodically throughout the day. Honestly, I'm sure that there are people that actually spend HOURS on it wasting time and not working.

I have to comment on some of the comments that people have left me.

Steph: I hope you are having a fantastic time in Espana. I love that country and am so jealous you are there! Live it up, studying abroad was the best thing I ever did!

Jess: Ok, so the crab cookies. I love your idea. I think it would be even better if I topped the cookies with little black sprinkles, like ACTUAL crabbies, like you know - the ones in your crotch. Hahahaha, I think it would be hilarious. I'm getting giddy just thinking about it. How is your abrasion situation btw?

Please spread the word about my blog to others! :)

Ok - back to the real story.

Tonight I'm flying up to NYC for my bachelorette weekend.! I can't wait to get all my friends in the same place at the same time to have a blast with me! Yay! Tanzer and Vance and I are hanging out tonight when I get in, really low key. Tomorrow I'm going to go into Lehman and say hi to people/friends and then I feel like there are a zillion things I need to do before all the people arrive! We are going to have a great time. Biggs/Vance/Tanz did such a fantastic job planning and I really am so excited. I even packed last night instead of like throwing things into a suitcase early this morning per usual. Phew! Leaving right from work and it can't come soon enough!

I also wanted to alert everyone of some new blogs/links I've changed on the right of your screen. The first is Dr. Jane Shure's blog. She is the shrink for a really close friend and I almost feel like I know her personally b/c of how much she's helped my girl. She is amazing and also has a great practice if you need someone in the Philadelphia area. So, check it out. If you like SimplyLauren, you've GOT to check out her blog (even though they really aren't that much the same at all, lol). The next one is the link to my cousin's new book that they wrote. It's pretty awesome. You can read all about them/their book/their movie on the webpage. They are twins on my mom's side and they live in Cali like the rest of my extended family with the exception of me, my sister, my parents and Amos/Liz/Kate. Finally, There is Ethan World which is the blog that is run by Timmy's sister Jacque. All the art and things on the page are made by her son Ethan, who is an AMAZING artist and young man. I've had the pleasure of hanging out with him on multiple occasions and wanted to pass his art along so that others can enjoy!

Happy Birthday Charlie! I hope you have a great day! I'll be thinking of you! xoxxoxox

Ok, that's all for now, I totally have to get back to worky.

Love, SimplyLauren


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