Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Summer and Dr. Bora

Dr. Bora is BACK!!!

Check out his site! He's around all summer for questions and he's really excited. He's also 8 now so he has a lot more life experience to give him more seasones answers to your many questions!

Bring it!

One problem with being busy is that a bunch of other things fall through the cracks. I'm not talking about hanging out with my friends and stuff, because I obviously haven't done that yet.

Let me give you an example. Many of you know that I'm a highly organized person and that I like things clean. There are several exceptions to this rule though. The first is my apartment. Right now it looks like complete crap. No really. My bathroom is probably the grossest example of my hygene now. I'm not talking about my personal hygene, but just my general bathroom cleanliness.

SO---My bathtub has mold on it. My shower curtain DEFINITELY has to be thrown away because they mold is so expansive. The little froggy anti-slip things in my tub are all brown and I don't even want to talk about the drain. Does all of this disgust you? Well---it should because it's the grossest thing ever. I'm going to clean it this afternoon as part of my GRE detox. I'm totally excited about going home after work---NOT studying and relaxing the day before my exam.

Tomorrow my schedule will be as follows:
-Wake up around 10am
-Eat some sort of nutritious breakfast
-Gather all materials I need to bring to the Test Site
-Do relaxing exercises
-To to test center
-Take GRE
-Get good score
-Go home, take nap b/c I'll be very mentally exhausted
-Go out to fun parties on Sat night (Junette and Katie BDAY parties!)

Upcoming Posts are going to be about Summer in the city: Loves and Hates.
Get excited!



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