Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

GRE and Stress

How come Lindsey can blog with no problems and she seems just as busy as me?! It's unfair. Things have been so crazy with me lately that I think I'm like half drowning.

Literally it's been a week where on Tuesday (and Monday) I wanted to crawl into bed and then not come out until Saturday after the GRE. Which someone else would end up taking for me. Ugh. Such is my life.

So---the most important thing I'm dealing with right now is the GRE. If that wasn't obvious from my previous paragraph. I'm definitely nervous about taking it. It's on Saturday at 1pm. I've been getting random scores. Sometimes pretty high and sometimes just OK. I really need to get above 600. My vocabulary skills are like 8 million times better than before the Kaplan class. Anyway---I go through periods of like extreme stress and then others where I'm totally confident. It's annoying actually. I want nothing more to be done with this test. Can you HEAR ME??!?!?!?

I just emailed my teacher about my stress level and hopefully she'll write back something encouraging. Tonight I have a softball game. The first of the season that isn't the Gators. Actually you people don't evem know that I'm on the gators. I"ll write more about that next week. But in a nutshell: The Gators are the team and Tim and I are on and it's weird. Everyone on the team is Jewish. I feel left out. Just kidding. I love Jewish people! But anyway---they are also all in their 30s again---totally cool, but I'm the baby by a bunch of years. Whatever. That team is realy fun though. We are also pretty good. I missed the game last night b/c of a few reasons. I had to meet Matt from Temple to talk about Alumni stuff----yes, nothing that I'm volunteering for or anything like that. Thankfully even if I wanted to say "yes" to something, my brain would explode right then. We just had a drink. Then I went home and studied for the GRE---shocker right?

But----my softball team tonight is for work. I'm excited the jersey's are great. Obv. me and Berny designed them. Would you expect anything less? We are def. going to win tonight too. I love being on winning teams. Phew!

So---again, focus right now is GRE. Another "focus" is that Jake is RIGHT NOW driving to camp for the summer. Not really sure when the next time I'm going to see him is. It could be one random day where I take the train up there in the middle of the week to stay on camp and see everything, but that isn't going to be until July at the earliest so----it's going to be a while nonetheless. I miss him already. But he is a GREAT boyfriend and sent me flowers today at work---that are pink and gorgeous---for good luck on the GRE. He gets and A+ for boyfriend attentiveness for the day (always).

And yes---things are great with him. I love him and he is the best boy a girl could ever have. He also has a cute dog. Which is a point in his favor. Send cute ideas for care packages up to camp so I can reciprocate on the good girlfriendness!

To my friends: I'm sorry again for being so out of touch. I love and miss you all and I can't wait for after work happy hours, evenings at Kate's with beer and wings, MLW stress instead of GRE stress, sleeping in on the weekends (oh wait----that's never going to happen!), and just generally having a fun summer!

In other News: I'm moving jobs----wait, don't get too excited. Well you can but I'm staying at my same nameless company. I am working with Courtney starting on Monday. It's all very exciting since I've wanted to work with Courtney since the inception of time. So---I'm snagging the opportunity to do so! We are both really excited. More on the drama surrounding the situation later. Because, trust me, there was a lot. Don't let me forget to tell you!

I'm sure I've lost a BUNCH of readers b/c of my writing hiatus, but I really needed the break.

I still look the same though. My hair is really long and it's still blonde.

Jess Stewart graduated from high school. She is such a bad ass. My nephew graduated from 5th grade. He too is a bad ass. A bad ass like Optimus Prime.

Birthday's This Week:
Tuesday: Katie!
Wednesday: Michael!
Saturday: Father's Day! (oops I forgot to do anything for this day! I'm sorry Pop!)

You are so happy I'm back. Don't lie!



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