Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Weather and Messages

Man. Today is freezing. I was literally dying on my way to work. I had a hat, scarf, and gloves on---the whole works. I wore a skirt today. I always pick the WORST days to wear skirts. When I wear one---it's either freezing or raining. If you see me wearing a skirt, be sure to bring your umbrella or heavy coat. It's a great predictor of the weather. And yes...I've already thought of "tricking" the weather by pretending to wear a pants, and then at the last minute, switching into a skirt on my way out the door. I'm already ahead of you on that. And no, it doesn't work.

We also have to take a minute to talk about the weather in general, other than in relations to my skirt problem. I was reading this article this morning in New York Magazine and it was all about the weather in New York and how it's going to be in the next five years. Read it HERE. I was pretty much having heart palpitations at my desk about how scary some of the parts were. One part mentions how it could flood so bad in New York, b/c of the weather and something called the AMD and also El Nino---and the way that New York is shaped and the rivers and stuff---would exacerbate everything. The city would be split into two islands, above Canal street and the rest of Upper Manhattan. They said that all public transportation would stop, tunnels and everything would completely be submerged and water levels as high up at 96th street could reach like 18 feet. W. T. F. Anyway, read it. It's depressing and eye-opening at the same time, regardless of whether you believe in global warming or not. (but I have to say if you don't believe in global warming, you are an idiot) I don't mean to be Debbit Downer about it---but it's a very interesting article. :)

All of a sudden my stomach really hurts. I was definately having some digestive problems yesterday after work for some reason. It really sucked. I feel better today. I also went to bed early which was smart since I have felt sleep deprived for the past like---lifetime.

I have a few personal messages to people---that I don't think can really qualify as "shout-outs" per se, but still, I think they need to be addressed:

1. Susannah: I think that we have a one sided relationship. I know that you read this and know everything that's going on with me but like---I don't know what is going on with you at all. I know this is a direct result of our non-existent verbal communication. I just want to let you know that I'm thinking about you and that I hope we can hang out at some point. Also---have a great time in Spain with Izzzzzzz. Tell her I said, "Hola".

2. Becca: I'm happy you are continutally reading this. I'm sorry you are doing dry until finals, but I guess it's something that you feel you have to do in order to do better. That's cool. But there is one thing I won't promise: I will not. I repeat: I will not, do your shot of tequila that Nick buys for us "unexpectedly". I can't wait to hang out with you!

3. Darren: I don't know how often you read this or anything, but it makes me happy when you sometimes write comments out of the blue. Thanks. I love and miss you.

I'm really excited for out Blair get together on Saturday night. I hope a lot of people show up. I think the email is being passed around a fair bit. If you read this and went to Blair around the same time I did----come out to Steve's Bar Room in DC on Saturday night. It is a guaranteed good time.

I wish more exciting things happened to me last night. I talked to Leah on the phone for the first time in like a century. It was great. "Hi Leah!".

Oh---I noticed that a lot of you have been asking me offline about the whole "anal sex" thing from yesterday's entry. Let me just tell you that I'm going to tell you in person and not on the blog. It has nothing to do with me not wanting to write about it but more b/c the conversation between Jess and Magic was long and complicated and I don't feel like writing about it.

Ah---one more day until Thanksgiving vacation.



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