Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

James and WilliamsSonoma

James came and visited this weekend.

The Segway is the most asinine invention ever. Can you believe people still actualy ride them in public? When I see people/cops on this. I want to push them off them and hope that they tumble onto the cement.

I am not in a negative mood but I have to say I promise I'll finish my Thanksgiving entry soon. I'm just really busy at work and don't have a lot of down time to write things. Plus I think that the holiday's have sucked the creative and funny juices from my brain, those which normally enable me to write entries.

On Saturday night, I think I could have had a lesbian encounter. There was this girl Diana who is in the Young Vikings, yes, I know this is corny. We exchanged numbers, she also lives in my neighborhood too. Anyway, she called me on Saturday night asking if I wanted to come over and relax b/c she popped open a bottle of wine....yikes. :)

As many of you know, I'm very obsessed with cooking things and household items.

Here is a list of things that even I don't need:

1. horseradish grater: they comment that "grating horseradish can be a tricky task". My thought would be that one should just BUY HORSERADISH ALREADY GRATED

2. Le Creuset cookware: Ok---this stuff is amazing. I def want this at some point, but it's like up the butt expensive. I wish that I could get this though I absolutely don't need it right now.

3. Cephalon Pepper Roaster: I don't like roasted peppers particularly, so I don't think that I would actually want this item.

4. de Buyer V-professionnelle mandoline: this machine chops vegetables in special ways, julienne, thin slicing, and waffle cut (this is actually cool)

5. Snowman Cake Pan: I want this but I definately don't need it.

6. Personal Embossed & Stand: I would be beyond bourgie if I owned such a thing.

This entry blows considering it's taken me practically a week to write it. I'm sorry. The holiday's are really screwing with me.



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