Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Hey all!
I don't have much to say today but there are few things I know you want to be updated on.

1. My jeans from the denim doctor: they still haven't arrived, so----they aren't fixed yet and it's taking forever. I'll definitely let you know when they come b/c I'll be really excited.

2. the ocelot lady: it turns out that she runs a facility for captive endangered species, of which the ocelot is one. I told her I didn't actually breed ocelots and she said she was disappointed that we couldn't work together. Strange woman...

3. I don't have a chiropractor appt. this week----but I might just go and drop the snowglobe off anyway. I'm tired of looking at it. The snow looks so ghetto---it's like not even white, it's glitter. whoop.

4. the banana I'm eating isn't ripe enough. It's leaving that nasty film on my teeth. You all know what I mean.

5. I hate the Nets b/c they are usurping the time I would be watching Veronica Mars tonight.

6. I'm in a really productive mood---bring it on. I've done like a million things at work already and I'm really proud of myself.

7. My cell phone needs to be taken in to the store today to get updated technology. Apparently it's be disfunctioning b/c my software or something is outdated. It explains a lot. Don't call me in the afternoon b/c that's when it'll be updating at the verizon store.

8. My current new obsessiong: hair ribbons. Welcome back high school lacrosse.

Love yous,


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