Fun Little (read: Long) Survey
I know you all probably hate these but to make up for lack of postings, I've included a bonus survey post so you can read when you may or may not know about simplylauren.
200. My name is: SimplyLauren
199: I was born on: December 22, 1982
198. I am a: very organized person
197. my cell phone company is: Verizon
196. My eye color is: green/blue/grey
195. My shoe size is: 7.5
194. My ring size is: have no clue (am I retarded?)
193. My hair color: blonde
192. My height is: 5'6"
191. I am allergic to: cats, which is a new development after Yasam died.
190. I live in: NYC
189. The last book I read: Blink by Malcom Gladwell
188. My bedtime is: anywhere from 10pm-1am
187. One thing I know for sure about the opposite sex is: they are clearly the inferior gender.
186. I am glad I'm me because: I rule.
185. It sucks that I'm me because: what? No, it doesn't suck that "I'm me". It's not like I don't want to be myself. What kind of twisted question is this?
184. If I could be anyone else for one day, I would prolly be: a boy, just to see what it's like.
183. My celebrity dream date is: Logan Echolls or George Clooney
182. My favorite day of the week is: tie b/t Monday and Friday
181. My favorite color is: pink
180. My favorite fairy tale is: Hansel and Gretel
179. My favorite Holiday is: Thanksgiving and Easter
178. The perfect kiss is: a good one.
177. The last three cd's I bought are: I can't remember. I don't buy CD's anymore.
176. Last song that made me cry was: that Christmas Shoes song.
175. Three of your fears: spiders, masks, heights
174. Food you hate: raisins and cooked carrots
173. Gross food you like and no one else does: pickeled herring
172. My most treasured POSSESION(S) is(are): pictures, my books, and my blanket
170. What did you do last night? went to Harlem to tutor/do mock interviews with the kids, ate dinner with Jess and watched Harry Potter
169. Do you floss: yes. daily.
168. Favorite part of your body: teeth. :)
167. My skin's reaction to the sun is (tan/burn): well everyone knows I get one CRUCIAL burn in the beginning of the summer---then I get super tan.
165. Last time you were at the beach? Saturday.
164. Pancakes or Waffles? Pancakes
163. Sun or Moon? Sun
162. Beach or Country? Beach
161. Desktop or Laptop? Laptop
160. NYT or Washington Post? WP
159. Car or Truck? Truck
158. Thin Mints or Samoas? hmmm...I think Samoas
157. Black/White or Color? I like both for different things
156. lipstick or lipgloss? lipgloss for sure.
:::Can you?:::
155. Play an instrument? yeppers!
154. Sing? i think so, but i'm no american idol.
153. Speak a different language? yes, a few.
152. Juggle? i can fake juggle with two balls. but no.
151. Roll your tongue? Yes. Thanks genetics!
150. French braid? No. I wish.
149. Do a cartwheel? Yes, actually a few in a row!
148. Put your whole fist in your mouth?
147. Whistle? Yes. who CAN'T whistle?
146. Write with both hands? well, very well w/ my right, badly w/ my left.
145. Do CPR? I can do it---but I'm technically not certified anymore
144. Wink? um, sort of. Not one my best skills.
:::::I Do (YES)/Do Not (NO) Believe In:::::
143. Santa? No.
142. Love at first sight? Nope.
141. Luck?: No.
140. Fate?: No.
139. God?: Yes
138. Aliens? I guess yes, but not like in X-Files or UFOs.
137. Heaven?: Yes
136. Hell?: No.
135. Ghosts?: No.
134. Horoscopes? Absolutely not.
133. Soulmates?: No.
132. Dinosaurs?: of course.
131. Miracles?: undecided. Not sure.
130. The death penalty? No, but the jail system needs to change first.
:::Which is Better?:::
129. Hugs or Kisses?: a tie.
128. Drunk or High: Drunk
127. phone or online: Phone
126. Red heads or Black hair?: what? I don't really like red-heads. I've had some bad experiences.
125. Mohawk or Mullet?: def Mohawk. Def.
124. hot or cold?: hot.
123. summer or winter? Summer!
122. coffee or tea?: coffee
121. chocolate or vanilla?: Chocolate
120. Night or Day: Day
119. Oranges or Apples: Apples, I don't like peeling the skins.
118. Curly or Straight hair: Straight I guess?
117. Gloves or Mittens? Gloves. I hate mittens.
:::::Here's What I Think About:::::
116. Abortion?: Pro- Choice
115. Backstabbers?: I love them (??--who LIKES backstabbers?)
114. Parents?: in general? They're nice to have. I love mine.
113. Children?: not now, but at some point.
112. Animals?: I want a dog more than most people want food.
111. Leashes for Children?: um, no. sorry we don't live in 18th century Netherlands...
110. School?: I miss school every day. I can't wait to go back.
109. Life?: Is so great. I love mine.
108. Bangs?: yikes, I had them a long time ago, and then proceeded to cut them right off with ghetto elementary school scissors.
107. The name Bernard?: no way.
106. Beer Pong?: love it. :)
105. Alcohol?: I like it. Basically all types. Great fun.
104. PDAs? It's cute some of the time. Other times, I want to barf.
::::Last time I:::
103. Made out? March 18th
102. Hugged someone: this morning, the receptionist Donna
101. Saw someone I haven't seen in a while? I guess MLW people---this weekend. But I actually feel like I see them all the time.
100. Missed someone? My sister. She was in California last week.
99. grew?: physically it's been a while. Emotionally, like every friggin second.
98. Drew a smiley face? On paper? Can't remember, on the computer? Today probably.
97. Ate something?: like 15 minutes ago---an apple
96. Took a shower? This morning
95. Tripped over something? Um---on Friday at work I tripped over nothing and my friend Tom saw me and laughted
95. went out to dinner? with Becca and Jess two weekends ago
94. Saw a play or movie? Watched a movie last night with Jess
93. Read a book? Last week.
92. Traveled? This weekend, to Ocean City
91. Filled out a survey?: worst question ever.
90. Who's the ditziest person I know: Brigid
89. Who makes you laugh the most: oh…that's hard. abstain.
87. One thing I'm mad about right now is: work related things i refuse to blog about
86. Favorite brand of bottled water: Voss
85. I like to write in this color pen: blue rolling ball
84. The best summer of your life: Summer 2001---last year on swim team, most fun ever @ the pool. Oh right, and MLW.
83. The worst summer of your life: tie beween 1999 and 2003. In 1999 I chipped my tooth and got into a car accident resulting in suspension of my driving. In 2003 I was taking summer classes, coaching and doing MLW, I got a really bad eye infection and it blew.
82. The thing I don't understand is: how people can be so closed-minded
81. Your favorite theme park: Kings Dominion
80. The most unsatisfactory answer I've ever received: Sure. *I hate when people say this. It's so non-committal*
79. The one thing I love about the opposite sex is: er…ONE thing?
78. Sometimes I wish: it was cool for girls to wear ties.
77. I would never: wear a mask
76. This summer I am: working and doing MLW and going to Carolyn's wedding.
75. Something I will really miss when I leave home is: already left home---the piano.
74. The thing that I'm looking forward to the most: seeing my sister and nephews next week!
73. Tomorrow: work and maybe a date. :)
72. Today: woke up, showered, drank coffee, am at work currently doing work things.
71. Next Summer: still working and being in NYC, doing MLW probably.
70. Next Week: will be another fun and great week.
69. This Weekend: I get to dye eggs and pig out on candy with my nephews!
68. Next Weekend: my sister is coming to VISIT!!
67. People call me: Lauren, Elle, Hanson, Slapshot, LH, L-Dogg, L-Dizz
66. The last thing I bought was: a snow globe for my chiropractor
65. My favorite place to shop is: the Gap.
64. In my wallet I carry: no cash, DL, debit card, metro card, health care cards
63. The person who I last dated was: what qualifies as "dated"??
62. The person who knows the most about me is? All of 008, Jess Pov. Courtney, my sister.
61. The person that can read me the best is: "read me"? I think my mom
60. The most difficult thing to do is: wake up early to go running. My mind says yes, my body says no.
59. I have gotten a speeding ticket: NEVER!!! HAHAHAHAHA!
58. My worst car accident: um---the one I was in with Carolyn (sorry CK)
57. Something about my sibling: she is amazing and I'm so lucky to have her around. :)
56. My zodiac sign is: Capricorn
55. The first person I thought I was in love with is: Andrew Fremming, in 3rd grade.
54. Was it love?: playground crush.
53. The one person who can't hide things from me: no one. I'm so clueless sometimes.
52. The age you were right now: the age I am now. can't really do anything about this one huh?
51. Right now I am talking to: No one.
50. I wish I were talking to: my sister or someone cool like my girls.
49. Something I'd like to be doing right now: going outside running/sleeping
48. I have/will get a job at: a secret. I don't want my identity revealed or cause problems here.
47. I have these pets: none...
46. I hope: that I am always happy and always have blonde hair.
45. The worst sound in the world: that scared kid cry…the terrified one.
44. The person who makes me cry the most: I guess in my whole life it was stupid Dave. He's SO not worth crying over anymore.
43. Last time you cried: can't remember, which is really shocking.
42. Why?: can't remember--again, shocking.
41. Favorite Food: cupcakes
40. Favorite Breakfast: bacon, egg on a toasted sesame bagel
39. Favorite Lunch Food: a great salad w/yummy stuff in it.
38. Favorite Dinner Food: pasta
37. Favorite Dessert: cupcakes
36. Favorite Drink: alcoholic? Tanquerray and Tonic. Non-alcoholic: water
35. florida or hawaii: Hawaii---I have a thing against Florida.
34. North Pole or South Pole: North! I'll be close to the homeland.
33. My favorite piece of clothing is (are): my jeans that are at the denim doctor now getting the ass fixed.
32. My favorite sport to play is: running??
31. My favorite sport to watch is: basketball
30. My favorite sports figure is: MJ
29. My favorite TV show is: Veronica Mars
28. The school I go to is: the school of Hard Knocks. (sike---none)
27. Last person I got mad at was: a secret.
26. My worst drinking experience was? I really don’t want to talk about this.
25. All-time best song: can't do it.
24. All-time best band: Green Day.
23. All-time best painting: oh, this is hard--Annunciation by Sandro Botticelli
22. The all-time best movie: The Goonies
21. The all-time best thing in the world is: cupcakes
20. The all-time best outside game: freeze tag or sardines
19. The most annoying thing ever is: stupid people
18. The most annoying person you know is: why would I write the answer to this?!
17. I lose all respect for people who: people that don't listen.
16. The movies I have cried at are: every single one.
15. I have a scar from the time I: fell off my bike on my way to ballet when I was in 6th grade. I also have a dent in my leg from when I was in a serious bike accident on colesville rd (see any trends here?)
14. The last time I skinned my knees was: in previously mentioned bike accident.
13. My hidden talent: I don't have an hidden talents. I feel like all mine are exposed.
12. I have a craving for: cupcakes
11. The worst pain I was ever in was: when I got hit by a bike and was knocked out and then had two black eyes.
10. My favorite quote: "life is too short."
9. My room is: perfect.
8. I love: cupcakes, my family, and my friends
7. I hate: being in the middle
6. My life: really fulfilling and happy
5. My weakness is: cupcakes and the Gap.
4. What I look for in the opposite sex: good teeth, nice eyes.
3. Who broke your heart: a few people, most recently Dave but he blows a nut so I don't care anymore.
2. I filled out 200 questions because: I'm bored at work.
1. name the "ONE" person you trust the most: my mom.
200. My name is: SimplyLauren
199: I was born on: December 22, 1982
198. I am a: very organized person
197. my cell phone company is: Verizon
196. My eye color is: green/blue/grey
195. My shoe size is: 7.5
194. My ring size is: have no clue (am I retarded?)
193. My hair color: blonde
192. My height is: 5'6"
191. I am allergic to: cats, which is a new development after Yasam died.
190. I live in: NYC
189. The last book I read: Blink by Malcom Gladwell
188. My bedtime is: anywhere from 10pm-1am
187. One thing I know for sure about the opposite sex is: they are clearly the inferior gender.
186. I am glad I'm me because: I rule.
185. It sucks that I'm me because: what? No, it doesn't suck that "I'm me". It's not like I don't want to be myself. What kind of twisted question is this?
184. If I could be anyone else for one day, I would prolly be: a boy, just to see what it's like.
183. My celebrity dream date is: Logan Echolls or George Clooney
182. My favorite day of the week is: tie b/t Monday and Friday
181. My favorite color is: pink
180. My favorite fairy tale is: Hansel and Gretel
179. My favorite Holiday is: Thanksgiving and Easter
178. The perfect kiss is: a good one.
177. The last three cd's I bought are: I can't remember. I don't buy CD's anymore.
176. Last song that made me cry was: that Christmas Shoes song.
175. Three of your fears: spiders, masks, heights
174. Food you hate: raisins and cooked carrots
173. Gross food you like and no one else does: pickeled herring
172. My most treasured POSSESION(S) is(are): pictures, my books, and my blanket
170. What did you do last night? went to Harlem to tutor/do mock interviews with the kids, ate dinner with Jess and watched Harry Potter
169. Do you floss: yes. daily.
168. Favorite part of your body: teeth. :)
167. My skin's reaction to the sun is (tan/burn): well everyone knows I get one CRUCIAL burn in the beginning of the summer---then I get super tan.
165. Last time you were at the beach? Saturday.
164. Pancakes or Waffles? Pancakes
163. Sun or Moon? Sun
162. Beach or Country? Beach
161. Desktop or Laptop? Laptop
160. NYT or Washington Post? WP
159. Car or Truck? Truck
158. Thin Mints or Samoas? hmmm...I think Samoas
157. Black/White or Color? I like both for different things
156. lipstick or lipgloss? lipgloss for sure.
:::Can you?:::
155. Play an instrument? yeppers!
154. Sing? i think so, but i'm no american idol.
153. Speak a different language? yes, a few.
152. Juggle? i can fake juggle with two balls. but no.
151. Roll your tongue? Yes. Thanks genetics!
150. French braid? No. I wish.
149. Do a cartwheel? Yes, actually a few in a row!
148. Put your whole fist in your mouth?
147. Whistle? Yes. who CAN'T whistle?
146. Write with both hands? well, very well w/ my right, badly w/ my left.
145. Do CPR? I can do it---but I'm technically not certified anymore
144. Wink? um, sort of. Not one my best skills.
:::::I Do (YES)/Do Not (NO) Believe In:::::
143. Santa? No.
142. Love at first sight? Nope.
141. Luck?: No.
140. Fate?: No.
139. God?: Yes
138. Aliens? I guess yes, but not like in X-Files or UFOs.
137. Heaven?: Yes
136. Hell?: No.
135. Ghosts?: No.
134. Horoscopes? Absolutely not.
133. Soulmates?: No.
132. Dinosaurs?: of course.
131. Miracles?: undecided. Not sure.
130. The death penalty? No, but the jail system needs to change first.
:::Which is Better?:::
129. Hugs or Kisses?: a tie.
128. Drunk or High: Drunk
127. phone or online: Phone
126. Red heads or Black hair?: what? I don't really like red-heads. I've had some bad experiences.
125. Mohawk or Mullet?: def Mohawk. Def.
124. hot or cold?: hot.
123. summer or winter? Summer!
122. coffee or tea?: coffee
121. chocolate or vanilla?: Chocolate
120. Night or Day: Day
119. Oranges or Apples: Apples, I don't like peeling the skins.
118. Curly or Straight hair: Straight I guess?
117. Gloves or Mittens? Gloves. I hate mittens.
:::::Here's What I Think About:::::
116. Abortion?: Pro- Choice
115. Backstabbers?: I love them (??--who LIKES backstabbers?)
114. Parents?: in general? They're nice to have. I love mine.
113. Children?: not now, but at some point.
112. Animals?: I want a dog more than most people want food.
111. Leashes for Children?: um, no. sorry we don't live in 18th century Netherlands...
110. School?: I miss school every day. I can't wait to go back.
109. Life?: Is so great. I love mine.
108. Bangs?: yikes, I had them a long time ago, and then proceeded to cut them right off with ghetto elementary school scissors.
107. The name Bernard?: no way.
106. Beer Pong?: love it. :)
105. Alcohol?: I like it. Basically all types. Great fun.
104. PDAs? It's cute some of the time. Other times, I want to barf.
::::Last time I:::
103. Made out? March 18th
102. Hugged someone: this morning, the receptionist Donna
101. Saw someone I haven't seen in a while? I guess MLW people---this weekend. But I actually feel like I see them all the time.
100. Missed someone? My sister. She was in California last week.
99. grew?: physically it's been a while. Emotionally, like every friggin second.
98. Drew a smiley face? On paper? Can't remember, on the computer? Today probably.
97. Ate something?: like 15 minutes ago---an apple
96. Took a shower? This morning
95. Tripped over something? Um---on Friday at work I tripped over nothing and my friend Tom saw me and laughted
95. went out to dinner? with Becca and Jess two weekends ago
94. Saw a play or movie? Watched a movie last night with Jess
93. Read a book? Last week.
92. Traveled? This weekend, to Ocean City
91. Filled out a survey?: worst question ever.
90. Who's the ditziest person I know: Brigid
89. Who makes you laugh the most: oh…that's hard. abstain.
87. One thing I'm mad about right now is: work related things i refuse to blog about
86. Favorite brand of bottled water: Voss
85. I like to write in this color pen: blue rolling ball
84. The best summer of your life: Summer 2001---last year on swim team, most fun ever @ the pool. Oh right, and MLW.
83. The worst summer of your life: tie beween 1999 and 2003. In 1999 I chipped my tooth and got into a car accident resulting in suspension of my driving. In 2003 I was taking summer classes, coaching and doing MLW, I got a really bad eye infection and it blew.
82. The thing I don't understand is: how people can be so closed-minded
81. Your favorite theme park: Kings Dominion
80. The most unsatisfactory answer I've ever received: Sure. *I hate when people say this. It's so non-committal*
79. The one thing I love about the opposite sex is: er…ONE thing?
78. Sometimes I wish: it was cool for girls to wear ties.
77. I would never: wear a mask
76. This summer I am: working and doing MLW and going to Carolyn's wedding.
75. Something I will really miss when I leave home is: already left home---the piano.
74. The thing that I'm looking forward to the most: seeing my sister and nephews next week!
73. Tomorrow: work and maybe a date. :)
72. Today: woke up, showered, drank coffee, am at work currently doing work things.
71. Next Summer: still working and being in NYC, doing MLW probably.
70. Next Week: will be another fun and great week.
69. This Weekend: I get to dye eggs and pig out on candy with my nephews!
68. Next Weekend: my sister is coming to VISIT!!
67. People call me: Lauren, Elle, Hanson, Slapshot, LH, L-Dogg, L-Dizz
66. The last thing I bought was: a snow globe for my chiropractor
65. My favorite place to shop is: the Gap.
64. In my wallet I carry: no cash, DL, debit card, metro card, health care cards
63. The person who I last dated was: what qualifies as "dated"??
62. The person who knows the most about me is? All of 008, Jess Pov. Courtney, my sister.
61. The person that can read me the best is: "read me"? I think my mom
60. The most difficult thing to do is: wake up early to go running. My mind says yes, my body says no.
59. I have gotten a speeding ticket: NEVER!!! HAHAHAHAHA!
58. My worst car accident: um---the one I was in with Carolyn (sorry CK)
57. Something about my sibling: she is amazing and I'm so lucky to have her around. :)
56. My zodiac sign is: Capricorn
55. The first person I thought I was in love with is: Andrew Fremming, in 3rd grade.
54. Was it love?: playground crush.
53. The one person who can't hide things from me: no one. I'm so clueless sometimes.
52. The age you were right now: the age I am now. can't really do anything about this one huh?
51. Right now I am talking to: No one.
50. I wish I were talking to: my sister or someone cool like my girls.
49. Something I'd like to be doing right now: going outside running/sleeping
48. I have/will get a job at: a secret. I don't want my identity revealed or cause problems here.
47. I have these pets: none...
46. I hope: that I am always happy and always have blonde hair.
45. The worst sound in the world: that scared kid cry…the terrified one.
44. The person who makes me cry the most: I guess in my whole life it was stupid Dave. He's SO not worth crying over anymore.
43. Last time you cried: can't remember, which is really shocking.
42. Why?: can't remember--again, shocking.
41. Favorite Food: cupcakes
40. Favorite Breakfast: bacon, egg on a toasted sesame bagel
39. Favorite Lunch Food: a great salad w/yummy stuff in it.
38. Favorite Dinner Food: pasta
37. Favorite Dessert: cupcakes
36. Favorite Drink: alcoholic? Tanquerray and Tonic. Non-alcoholic: water
35. florida or hawaii: Hawaii---I have a thing against Florida.
34. North Pole or South Pole: North! I'll be close to the homeland.
33. My favorite piece of clothing is (are): my jeans that are at the denim doctor now getting the ass fixed.
32. My favorite sport to play is: running??
31. My favorite sport to watch is: basketball
30. My favorite sports figure is: MJ
29. My favorite TV show is: Veronica Mars
28. The school I go to is: the school of Hard Knocks. (sike---none)
27. Last person I got mad at was: a secret.
26. My worst drinking experience was? I really don’t want to talk about this.
25. All-time best song: can't do it.
24. All-time best band: Green Day.
23. All-time best painting: oh, this is hard--Annunciation by Sandro Botticelli
22. The all-time best movie: The Goonies
21. The all-time best thing in the world is: cupcakes
20. The all-time best outside game: freeze tag or sardines
19. The most annoying thing ever is: stupid people
18. The most annoying person you know is: why would I write the answer to this?!
17. I lose all respect for people who: people that don't listen.
16. The movies I have cried at are: every single one.
15. I have a scar from the time I: fell off my bike on my way to ballet when I was in 6th grade. I also have a dent in my leg from when I was in a serious bike accident on colesville rd (see any trends here?)
14. The last time I skinned my knees was: in previously mentioned bike accident.
13. My hidden talent: I don't have an hidden talents. I feel like all mine are exposed.
12. I have a craving for: cupcakes
11. The worst pain I was ever in was: when I got hit by a bike and was knocked out and then had two black eyes.
10. My favorite quote: "life is too short."
9. My room is: perfect.
8. I love: cupcakes, my family, and my friends
7. I hate: being in the middle
6. My life: really fulfilling and happy
5. My weakness is: cupcakes and the Gap.
4. What I look for in the opposite sex: good teeth, nice eyes.
3. Who broke your heart: a few people, most recently Dave but he blows a nut so I don't care anymore.
2. I filled out 200 questions because: I'm bored at work.
1. name the "ONE" person you trust the most: my mom.
At Wednesday, April 12, 2006,
caroserey said…
I hate the word "sure" also. I am sorry about the car accident although it wasn't the worst for me because the cop hitting me still flashes through my head sometimes. At least You, Leah, and I didn't almost drive off a cliff like Christian :) Ahh, we are so meant to be. Have a good day at work.
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