Ocean City and Back-Cracker
*As a sidebar, got help me if by accident I ever let it slip that I have a blog, b/c then ultimately he's going to read it and go to it and then I'll feel embarrassed b/c like half of these entries are about him and how I'm in love with him. Let's hope that just doesn't happen. *
So anyway, we have been emailing. Still at this point I wasn't 100% convinced that he maybe liked me--you know, outside of being the coolest patient ever---but on Friday we were emailing back and forth all day. It was normal everyday banter I guess. I asked him what he was doing this weekend---he told me since the weather was going to be crappy that he wanted to go see a movie. I gave him a list of movies I like only then he responded that he wanted to go see a movie in a theatre. So I gave him ANOTHER list of movies that I would go see if I could afford to go to a movie. I told him I wanted to see Ice Age 2. And anyway...it sort of was like "Hey, want to go to a movie with me?" But----I'm too dumb to notice that maybe he was trying to ask me out without actually doing so. I'm officially positive that he can't ask me out or something b/c of his being my doctor and everything, even though he's not like my physician but still. So---I wrote back to his last email being like. "you know, if I wasn't going away this weekend I'd go see a movie with you." He wrote back and wanted me to bring him something from my trip. So I did. I bought him a snow globe with Washington DC in it. I was going to buy him something from Ocean City but I forgot. Anyway---I see him Wednesdsay and we'll see how things go. :)
MLW Weekend:
It was fun overall. The meeting was long but really productive on Saturday. We went out to dinner at Harpoon Hanna's and I pigged out on crabs. Delish. It was surprising b/c we didn't stay up MLW-style late. We were all so tired, I think I was in bed at around 1. It was a discrace to the MLW legend.
Some highlights:
1. driving down w/ Annabelle and Dustin
2. making fun/throwing things at Ron
3. eating Ledo's pizza
4. the productive meeting
5. returning Jason's shorts to Mary Alex
6. eating crabs
7. talking to Marcy
8. driving home and funding out secrets w/ Annabelle and Dustin
In other news:
- I need a haircut really badly, my hair is starting to look like a horses tail. :) Beth, tomorrow at VMars party can you braid my hair like you did last week? I want to wear it to work on Wednesday and see how many people mistake me for Heidi.
- Also I just recently found out that Dave is like moving to Switzerland or wherever to probably marry this biatch Marie who he dumped me for. Stupid bitch and stupid Dave. I hope he gets divorced. I'm suprisingly not AS upset as I thought I'd be---but it was sort of annoying that I had to find out about it. Ignorance is bliss when it comes to exes.
Annabelle: Thanks for finally reading my blog. I had a good time seeing/hanging out with you this weekend.
Dustin: thanks for laughing at my jokes and telling me things
Ron: thanks for being an easy target for jokes and pranks
Mary Alex: sorry BC lost the hockey game against the Badgers, though I like Wisconsin a lot too.
Mom: for making me food to I don't starve to death and for cleaning my vest that was disgusting.
Susannah and Isabel: for being faithful readers of this blog. I promise to update it more frequently with more interesting/funny stories. :)
Smile, it's a 4-day week!
At Monday, April 10, 2006,
Anonymous said…
im glad you finally updated. i must say i miss it when you don't. but it is much more fulfilling when you have a long, interesting post rather than an average, daily post. you know?
good luck with your chiropractor. chances are he's cooler than dave.
At Monday, April 10, 2006,
Anonymous said…
LH - why you gotta be so crazy?
At Monday, April 10, 2006,
Simply Lauren. said…
i am NOT crazy. I'm just knee deep in the game.
At Tuesday, April 11, 2006,
Anonymous said…
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