Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

TCA and Ocelots

So if you don't know what TCA stands for---I'll tell you. Thomas Crown Affair. When I was at the beach last weekend with MLW people Derryck says, "Oh, Lauren--you missed it, we were watching an art history movie earlier today." OR something like that. I looked at him and rolled my eyes and responded, "What? Thomas Crown Affair?" Derryck, chuckled and said, "Yes, actually." So, the point of that story was two fold. The first fold is that I'm a genius and can read minds. The second fold is that I know that it is a sad state of things when people think TCA is an art history movie when it's not really about art at all and instead, a hot rich brilliant man who knows how to steal and trick everyone else. Moving on----

I want to apologize to Mike for yesterday night. I know you called at 11pm like you were supposed to, but I was passed out on the couch. I couldn't help myself. After my run I was like literally too exhausted to do anything but sit/lay on the couch and watch Thomas Crown Affair

(By the way that is what caused my little memory of Derryck--the fact that I was watching it last night).

I want to think of a new idea for Dirty Jobs that doesn't have to do with poop/sex excrement (despite my interest in both those things):
How about drains at the YMCA.
I already want to barf---or any public pool facility.
I just remember when I had to clean the drains at daleview and I would almost puke every time. I would have to dry heave over my shoulder to keep from ACTUALLY puking. It was horrible. Imagine if that was your job!

I want everyone to know the following information... The other day I was looking on myspace and I saw that someone had left me a message with the re: Ocelots. I got very excited. Possibly someone with similar interests! Possibly a ocelot lover like myself! I was shaking with anticipation when I read the note. It said, "Hi, are you part of an ocelot breeding facility? I was just wondering. This is my sons myspace page."

A few things came to mind---
1. Why would a mom be like "hanging out" on her sons myspace page. That poor kid, he probably can't write anything cool on it if his mom is like signing in as him and everything.
2. What is going on with this woman? She must have searched for "ocelots" in the query and my page popped up.

Ok, so I responded, "What? Is this a joke? Are you kidding?" And last night when I checked I saw that I had another message from the same lady er....her son's page---that read, "Yeah, well I was searching and your page popped up. I figured it wasn't real."

Some conclusions/questions I have/made about this lady:
1. You are American, why do you want to know if I breed/train ocelots?
2. Again, why are you using your son's myspace page to query such strange things?
3. You must be a circus freak or something.
4. You also must be stupid b/c clearly if you spent two seconds looking at my page and all the ocelot references you would be able to immediately tell that I am NOT an ocelot trainer or breeder. But instead, just another normal New Yorker with an affinity for ocelots. :)

Some people.

Happy early Easter everyone!


P.S. In other news---there is a guy that works with me who has one of those chairs that looks like the chair that Timmy sits in from South Park. It's hilarious. I want to laugh in his face everytime I see him, but---I can't. you know---the whole termination issue...:)


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