Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Remembering and Other Things

It feels like it should be lunch time, but I just finished breakfast at my lovely desk. I sort of have a stomach ache b/c I inhaled a bowl of cereal and a banana that was very big. Anyway---I'm feeling better.

I'm annoyed b/c I left the snowglobe at home that I bought for my chiropractor. I'm so mad at myself. I didn't go running yesterday like I said I would----b/c I was too lazy. Instead I watched Veronica Mars and then went over to Beth's to watch MORE VMars. Oh the life that is mine.

I have to start working on New Staff stuff with Mike b/c you know that new staff day is going to be here before you know it and same with Staff training weekend. Yikes! The work has started already! My office crush is here today. I can stare all I want. One funny thing was that I was talking with Jessica (she met my chiropractor) and he said, "She's really funny huh?"---this was referring to me...and Jessica ALMOST said something about my blog. How humiliating would that have been!? Imagine him reading about how I've been in love with him since February?! So embarrassing. Let's hope the information doesn't get out. :)

What else you ask? I always think of fun things to write about or things I want to say---and I mean to write them down and I specifically remember how I was sitting on the subway yesterday and thought, "I want to write about this tomorrow on my blog." But of course I didn't have anything to write with and didn't get a chance to. *sigh* I don't want to be one of those people that carries around a notebook and writes stuff down like a loser. Maybe I'll just start carrying around a pen though and write things on my hand. Once when I was working for the BW (that stands for Black Widow---the woman I used to work for) I started to write something on my hand to remember, and she got so mad and was like, "Use a post it!" Whatever.

Jessica: for helping out at the Boys & Girls club on Monday. It was great!

Beth: for being you---and for alwasy listening when I have to tell you a story about men I meet in airports, or my chiropractor. I meant to talk to you more about it yesterday but I didn't get a chance.

Leah: can't wait to hang out with you this weekend!

Christina: I know you don't read this---thankfully, but you are great!

Aliza: I got an envelope from you with no letter in it. It was weird. What was up with that. I meant to tell you that sooner. Freaky.

Lindsey: Ocelot Power.

Happy Hump Day!



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