Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

NYC & Carpet

Good morning!
I'm sitting here watching Fresh Prince of Bel Air and eating my amazing bowl of yogurt and fresh peaches, raspberries, strawberries and blueberries. I know you are jealous. But what I know you aren't jealous of is the fact that there are two guys here that are installing our new carpet for upstairs. Do you KNOW how expensive that shit it? Wow, we were shocked when the Empire Carpet guy gave us the estimate. Oh, well, hopefully it will look great when it's done. :)

New York was awesome per usual, can't ever expect anything less than that. I stayed with Leah for a few nights in Brooklyn, which worked out really well for me since I needed a place to park my car since I drove up. My days in the city were fun. I did a lot of exploring and got a lot of shit done. Let's go through some of the highlights:

1. getting a bikini wax
2. buying "starting fire" in Union Square and then reading it in like three hours.
3. drinks with Jason and Caroline - was able to catch up with him! Seems like I can run into him in all corners of the world
4. dinner with Leah (x2)
5. dinner with Jess - major catch up session needed!
6. Private tour of the Frick Gallery courtesy of Julian, including when we were locked in the basement for about 5 minutes.
7. Chatting and catch up with Brianna while walking around the Whitney
8. Picasso exhibit at the Met
9. seeing "The Other Guys" because it was too hot to continue walking.
10. happy hour with former Lehman ppl!~
11. dinner and drinks with Tanzer - my favorite!

I did a lot and walked a lot but it was such a fun time. I wanted to profile two people that I saw riding the subway. The subway in New York is an excellent way to get some good people watching skills in. I saw one creepy guy that looked like baby huey kid, maybe about 28 years old or so sitting on the 4 train with two HUGe packets of sweet tarts, like the kind that come in big rolls. He was eating them like there was no tomorrow. It was like, before he was even done chewing one, he was shoving another into his mouth. It was so gross. Although I love sweet tarts and would have asked him for one had he not looked like the most disgusting person on earth.

Ok - this entry is only average. I'm going to write more things soon.

Love, SL


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