Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Cavities and Norsk Kurs

Ok---so this could be one of the worst days of my life. I had a dentist appointment this morning at 7am. Yes, it's early but I was ready for my 6 month cleaning. I went to a new dentist b/c my old dentist moved to jersey. The dental hygenist had a lot of wonderful things to say about my teeth. She said they were beautiful, etc. etc.

Then the real dentist came in to tell me that I had two small cavities. WTF. I never get cavities. I have two. I'm chronically obsessed with my teeth. Why would I have them? Apparently, they are in difficult areas to floss properly and also that I should reduce sugar in my diet. I am so sad. All morning I moped around. I get them filled tomorrow. Eff this.

My Norwegian class last night was really really great. The teacher is phenomenal. Her name is Anita and there are a few others in the class that are really dedicated to learning Norsk. I'm happy that I moved up a level. I am very boosted. She speaks in Norwegian a lot and forces us to try and speak, which I think is a great tactic. Anyway----I'll be sure to keep you updated about this.

Brittany: Are you ok? Sorry about the riots. Sorry that i didn't get your IM until after you were signed off.
Mike: I'm sorry I've been shady. Whenever you IM, I'm practically always in the middle of something or severely distracted.



P.S. I want the SKins to win so badly, but I also don't want to lost money in the pool because I root for them and then they lose. wtf.....such hardships.


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