Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Errands and Softball

Ah---I've felt like this week has just been crazy!! I thought it was going to be a slow week but everything about it has been nuts!

So---yesterday b/c I stayed out so late on Wednesday night (see previous entry) I didn't have time to do any of my really important errands that I had to do before I left for MD this weekend, and since I was leaving right from work on Friday----it was important that I do them before Thursday night. One was to pick up my prescription and the other was to pick up my laundry. I needed the laundry b/c I had no clothes to pack for my weekend in MD. Anyway---I took a long lunch, which really is like non-existant in my business b/c no one actually takes lunch, people just leave, get food and eat it at their desk---it's just what you do. So, I actually got my errands done, which was clutch b/c there would have been no way that I would have been able to do them after softball.

Yeah Softball----let's talk a little about that why don't we? Well---all I'm going to say is that we SHUT OUT the other team. 11-0. I played really well. It was a really fun game, we played in the rain. Then we went to brother jimmy's afterward and drank it up! It was a blast!

Today, something interesting happened. *Note: if you don't like hearing about girl problems, you should probably stop reading right now. And you can't judge me, it's like---happened to a lot of people, especially if you are a boy. Don't say I didn't warn you...*

So, I woke up in a rush this morning and packed for MD, of course I didn't do it last night like I promised myself I would. Instead I began throwing bathing suits and stuff into my suitcase praying that I didn't forget anything. I have my period and I was changing my tampon. This is so commonplace and normal, often I'm rushing and not paying attention to what I'm doing. I opened the package too quickly and the applicator separated from the actual tampon part and I was so annoyed at that. I tried to put them back together. The string was all bunched up at the bottom of the applicator and whatever, I put it in and thought nothing of it.

I had to go pee of course, since I'm working OKLH like nobody's business right? And, then I went to go take out my tampon....



I was like, "What the fuck Charles?!"

It was horrible. SO I was like, look, its definitely in there somewhere and I will try again later to fish it out. I came down and had a mini panic attack about how I was going to get TSS and then it would be lost forever and everything...

But everything was ok, because I went and looked for it again, like 20 minutes later when I had to pee again (yes, a sad reality of being hydrated) and got it out---but it was NOT easy. To spare you, I will not go into detail.


Anyway, I'm excited for a fun filled weekend of chillin' at the pool, playing sharks and minnows, and also just all around getting a tan and having fun!

Talk to you Monday!



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