Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Death and Puerto Rico

You may think that is a weird title but I have much to report since last night. So after work I went over to Kate's to have a drink with Lindsay. The hot bartender that we usually see was there. We just chilled and then played photo hunt. It was good times. I'm really excited that she lives so close to my office b/c I seriously have seen her more in the past two weeks than in like the past two months. That is sort of a lie I guess, but seriously, it's kind of how I feel. So I'm VERY excited about it. We have to get Beth down on this stuff!

Then I took the bus home and talked with Jose for a while. I came home and made dinner cause Jess was soon coming over and we were going to talk about our vacation that we wanted to plan for Labor Day weekend. We had decided that we wanted to go away for a little bit and take a REAL vacation. We are GOING TO PUERTO RICO!!!!!! After many a hours deliberating about what is the best deal and everything---we finally narrowed it down to there---So for 3.5 days, we are going to be relaxing and maxin' all cool. :) Finally I'll be getting a tan! I am so excited about that fact at the very least!

The week before I think I'm going down with Jess to MD for pool time and also for Geza's potluck dinner. I hope that my dad is willing to drive me to the airport really early on the Monday morning. He had to do it once before after this BBQ I hosted for MLW earlier in the summer. Maybe he'll do it again, if not---I could always take a cab or something. So, that part of the plan is still up in the air.

OK---anyway, after I was done eating/making dinner I walked over to my coat closet and noticed that....


It was amazing. It was sort of sad to see the little guy with his broken neck in the trap, but I'm glad that those traps FINALLY caught something. I had to dispose of it, which was my least favorite part for sure. I put on rubber gloves and then got like 3 plastic bags and sort of scopped it up into them, dumped them in my trash and immediately threw it out int he trash heap. So---R.I.P Miles. I decided to name him. My uncle's name is Miles but it has nothing to do with him. I think that Miles is a good dead mouse name. :0

One gross thing was that there was mouse blood from his head on my carpet and so I had to spray resolve and get that shit out---that was my least favorite part.

Funny Conversation:
J: So something happened to me the other night when I was hooking up with Seamus that put me in the same category as Kip from Napoleon Dynamite.
L: (Pause) A mole on your neck got ripped off?
J: Hahahaha! You got it!! I was inspecting myself in the mirror the next morning to check for hickeys and I was like "What is that bloody hickey?"
J & L: (uncontrollable laughter)
L: How did that even happen?!
J: I don't know! But it's disconcerting, I always played with that mole when I was nervous and now it's gone!

Back to work maties!




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