Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Writing and Super Tasters

So I come into work and check my email. There is one from my dad. The only time my dad actually emails me is when he needs some sort of question answered or he wants to tell me something funny. This email was full of random attachments. I went on to read the body and it said that my dad had been going through old disks and found one with a bunch of stuff of mine on it---papers from college. I love going back and looking at stuff that I wrote before, it cracks me up. Unfortunately, these papers did not crack me up, they filled me with disgrace. The papers were from two classes I took sophomore year of college, one was "Ancient World History" and the other "Constitutional Law". It was after ConLaw that I knew that Law School wasn't for me. I hated that class. Oh, wait, I am off track, back to my original commentary. So the papers were like mid-term reports and other final papers. I was such a bad writer! I can't believe I passed college with such good grades?! What were my professors thinking?! I was literally reading these papers and thinking, this isn't even remotely good. There are so many problems and the flow of my writing just really blew. I wrote back to my dad telling him just this. I think I didn't really learn to write well until I studied abroad in Rome and then also senior year. I attribute this to my increased interest in the subject matter of the papers and essays I was writing in addition to the fact that I was indeed, older and wiser. Anyway...this was just a personal commentary about my life in early college.

I'm very tired this morning. I have consistently been getting no sleep and it's beginning to feel horrible every time my alarm goes off. It's pretty much a nightmare. I forgot to turn on the A/C before I went to bed last night. I guess I wasn't that hot initially going to bed. I had to wake up in the middle of the night---and turn it on and attempt to go back to sleep even though I was all sweaty and disgusting. Anyway, I think that also contributed to my lack of sleep and exhaustion. I feel better now than I did before. This coffee that I drink in the mornings really works wonders. I feel like I could be really productive. You should have seen me on the bus, I was straight up sleeping. I don't really remember getting ready, I was in a state of delirium. I do remember that the shower I took was cold and I couldn't remember which one was the hot knob so it just wasn't getting warmer at all. I was just too tired to fool around with the knob things. That is a sad story. Every night I hope I'm going to be able to get to bed early, but it just never works out that way.

I feel really disorganized right now. I mean, I come home to my messy apartment with no order whatsoever. Papers and trash all over my dining room table. My bathroom is starting to get that red mold by the drain, and the green stuff on the tiles. Usually I clean that up as soon as it pops up. I just don't have the time! I am running in and out of there so much, always going somewhere---that I can't ever take the time to do the things I need to.

SimplyLauren's To Do List:
  • get dress for CK's wedding
  • buy present for CK/Christian
  • figure out how I'm going to get to MLW/wedding/etc.
  • finish making all MLW visuals
  • finish typing up group/mix plans
  • make materials lists for MLW
  • try and meet with team
  • clean bathtub
  • organize files
  • hang up clothes
  • mop kitchen floor
  • catch up on my correspondence
  • buy a new bikini top
  • help Nick find a job in San Fran
  • bring in things to decorate my new desk at work
  • finish reading the Alchemist
  • make out with Casey
  • get belated presents for Biggs and Susannah
  • vacuum living room/bedroom
  • think about what color I want to paint my room
  • throw away everything in my fridge (b/c it is all rotten)
  • throw away all old food in apartment

See how much I have to do? All is equally important and I should try and get to it before MLW.

So apparently Materazzi called Zidane a dirty muslim terrorist. If that is true, I am sad for Zidane---though I already am. I bet he's still a hero in France. What a fucked up thing to say. Oh sorry for the random missing post and that I spelled Materazzi's name wrong. I guess I published before I meant to and honestly, you can go back and edit, but I don't really feel like doing that at all.

Last night I went out to dinner at Indus Valley---this really great Indian place on the upper west. Anyway, it was me, Katie, Josh, Beth obviously, China, and Becca. Becca asked for her food to come without coriander. I asked her if she was alergic, but she really is a "super taster". Dude, this is the most fascinating thing ever. She said that she can't eat foods with coriander---which I also learned was the same as cilantro---but the seed, because it makes all of the food taste like soap. Anyway, so she told me that Indian and Mexican are hard for her b/c it is a really common ingredient. I was so fascinated by this. I told her that my dad hates cilantro and so I called him today and asked him if he was a "super taster" and he didn't think so but I told him the next time I was home that we would do a "taste test" so that we could figure it out. I would be so psyched if I had a "super taster" for a father. :)

So I must get back to work. I'm going out to dinner at this phatty steakhouse tonight with Jess for Restaurant Week. Don't be jealous. Have a great day!




  • At Thursday, July 13, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    never, ever read the papers you wrote as an 18-?? undergrad unless you are an 18-?? undergrad. jeez, you speak the painful to read your own work...kind of like hearing your own voice on a voice mail or something.


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