Simply Lauren.

one day i'll write a book. but for now, this blog will do.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Philly and Baby Names

There were so many interesting things that happened to me this weekend while I was in Philly. I had a really nice relaxing/de-tox weekend down there at Court's house.

Softball Training
So I mentioned to LC that I was playing softball for my company. I also told her that I was nervous, because the competition is fierce and I was afraid that I was going to mess up and stuff. :) She took me out to the backyard and we were practicing like crazy. She was grounding balls every five seconds and giving me tons of pop-flies.

Then we practiced batting: So, she had me stand and she was showing me how to hold my body and my feet. So anyway, I kept following through like a golf swing and she got so annoyed at me that she just started yelling, "GOLF, GOLF!" everytime it looked like I was going to swing wrong. It was great. I hit some bangin' line drives and some nice ones to left field (read: the bushes). I woke up on Sunday morning like SO SORE from all the practicing we'd done. My forarm, wrist, and upper back were all like so tight. Yikes! I think I'm going to the batting cages this week though.

Justin is Court's youngest son, he's 4. He talks like he's 9 but he is absolutely adorable. His little facs is so cute. :) So, we were about to watch the Preakness and right before there was this baseball update saying that Barry Bonds had just broken Babe Ruth's 714 record of homers in a season.

Justin: Babe Ruth, he died right?
Me: Yeah, a long time ago. He was a famous baseball player a long time ago.
Justin: Yeah, I thought so.

*10 second pause*

Justin: Dang! I really wanted to get his autograph!
I had to get Justin ready for church soon after that. Steve told me to help him get on his shoes. So of course, we both run upstairs and we are looking in his closet for church shoes.

Me: So Justin, let's find som church shoes, hurry up ok?
Justin: Ok---(picks up this like brown worn hiking boot, though I was thinking more along the line of some sort of loafers)---these are kind of like church shoes.
Me: (Looking at boot) Perfect, they'll have to do. We need socks! where are they?
Justin: The socks live over there. (He grabs some that are totally not matching. But I don't care.)

*after church when Jessie is over.*

Court: (Looks down at Justin's boots) Way to go on the church shoes Lauren. Going strong.
Jessie: Laughs hysterically for like 30 minutes.
Me: Well---he chose them, the looked alright to me.

*me= embarrassed for the rest of the night about his shoes*
My boss is funny. First of all---he's a horrible story teller. He stops too long in between sentences and everything like for suspense and like---as if you are so interested in what he's saying. All of his stories are 100% about like how great he is or some "really cool" thing he did. It's quite pathetic actually. He just told me this story about he went golfing with Yogi Berra and how Yogi asked him a question about his shot. My boss was like, "It's so ironic that I use to watch Yogi on TV and how he's asking me about golf." It wasn't cute or endearing. It was just like---annoying since he does it all the time.

So, as many of you know. I'm totally obsessed with Harry Potter. Like, seriously obsessed. I'm everything minus fan fiction. I have been also obsessing over this website where you can like put in names and see how popular they are. But, see----I'm fascinated with the names that JK puts in the books. So---I want to name my daughter Bellatrix. I think it is SUCH a cool name. One TINY problem is that the character with that name in the books is really really evil and a horrible person. But---I'm hoping we can get past that one. Additionally, if it doesn't work out---I'll just name my dog that.

So----since this entry has some funny kid things---I just got off the phone with my sister and she was telling me what she did this weekend and everything. Yesterday my nephew Berk was in the kitchen asking for "a punch" and that he wanted "punches". My sister had no idea what he was talking about until he pointed at the nectarines and said, "a punch." He was associating nectarines with PEACHES and he messed up the word. Aw.

Also---my sister just sent me an email saying that after I got off the phone with her Berk was putting in a movie and she asked which one it was and he said, "Peter butter Pan." Poor little guy. Getting food and movies mixed together. It is kind of like the time he wanted "chicken little soup" for lunch.


P.S Jess---sorry about DVC---I got home so late and to be honest, I totally forgot about it until like this morning. :( If you already saw it I totally understand! :)


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